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    Huh, I get that for like a friend/spouse who is in the room with you and just for fun, but strangers on the internet? The other day I was talking to a guy who was about to have a kid and was nervous about it and I shared my experience and how great it was and he seemed genuinely relieved and grateful - that felt like

    Can I ask you your motivation for this? I mean you seem like a sort of funny person - I think you know a lot of what you’re saying is wrong - I mean, you’re saying it to inflame so on some level you must know it’s wrong - is it simply for self-amusement? Like a little comedy workout? Or do you enjoy the idea of making

    Came here to say this. I assume Jezebel didn’t suggest it themselves to avoid ANY potential libel issues. Or unfortunate accidents...

    You’re most welcome! I seemed to hear/think about mostly the looming downsides when my wife was pregnant so I like to be there to tell people how mostly awesome it is. Even the hard work parts don’t really feel like hard work because it’s such a labour of love, you know? Good luck, have fun and make the most of it

    Let me just tell you as a gamer/movie-nerd whose wife got pregnant the first month we stopped “not trying not to” have kids (ie we weren’t TRYING yet but we stopped using birth control) I really mourned the imminent death of my life as it was. But let me tell you, 2 years in things are awesome. I mean it was awesome

    Wait, what? You act like murder-suicide isn’t an option...if a mutual disaster doesn’t knock you both off first. Happens all the time. Cheer up!

    Just out of curiousity, have you ever confronted a bunch of opposing viewpoints and thought, “Huh, maybe I was wrong about that one”? Maybe give that a try here.

    lol When I saw that headline I thought, “Please let this be about Tyler Henry.”

    Let me preface by saying I grew up next to an older gay couple (my parents still live there and I was the Best Man when they finally officially tied the knot shortly before one of them died with cancer - it was beautiful - he was so happy and the minister who reluctantly presided had a fucking epiphany that almost

    I’m not saying I WANT a female serial killer (or maybe just serial killer-curious) to join this site and go on a spree of some sort, but I wouldn’t be sad(!) if that were to happen either, you know?

    He’s got a head like a fuckin orange! (If you get the reference we can be friends)

    He’s just kiddin around, that’s all!

    Really? History’s “greatest” racist maniac was also one of its biggest ranters/ravers.

    The aftermath has been even more sickening than the speech itself. The fact that any Democrats stood and applauded at any point (aside from honouring the fallen soldier and his wife) makes me want to puke.

    Also: he didn’t read the speech THAT well! That’s what’s driving me crazy. Bare minimum of so called presidential-ness. I literally work with dozens of people who could have read/performed that speech as good or better. Like that’s just out of the people in MY office.

    No it doesn’t. Stop being silly.

    Here’s the thing though - the thing I think people are finding frustrating about the ridiculous praise Donald Trump is getting for this speech, including your own: how in the fuck does writing a coherent speech with the president doing an okay job reading it, indicate that the Trump White House is getting a grip on

    Man that pisses me off. I’ve never worked as a server but I’d be like, “We’ll do our best to prepare the food the way you want it, but if you dare throw it at me I’ll have you arrested for assault.”

    Headline should read: “Best Actor Wins Best Actor”

    This is something I’ve been thinking about a bit - I have a 2-year-old and we’re still renting and my wife is constantly worrying about the fact that we don’t have a LOT of money and our son isn’t growing up in a house like she did - my parents didn’t own a house until I was 7 and I reassure her that I had no idea