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    Um, the comment I was responding to:

    Sorry, when I read it in my head it sounded like bitching.

    Well, personally I have no problem believing someone saw all or part of this movie and that it’s a mess. It fits the pattern. I’m not suggesting it’s absolutely true or that I’ll necessarily feel the same way (nor do I think was Paul Williams) but it seems likely based on prior experience.

    Wow people love to exaggerate the price of movies. If I’m feeling strapped for cash, I go on $8 Tuesdays and smuggle in a bottle of water and bag of M&Ms. If I’m feeling spend a whopping $4 more for a regular ticket or on special occasions cough up the $16-18 for the VERY MUCH A LUXURY 3D IMAX version.

    Whoa - you’re paying shitty Fandango convenience fees and then complaining about the price - go up to the counter and buy a fucking ticket if you’re going to bitch about it.

    7 people going out to see 2 hours of entertainment for $100 (in fucking NYC no less) is about the cheapest form of live entertainment there is - what are you complaining about?

    I appreciate your morals on this issue and wonder how you’d judge my approach. I spend A LOT on media - I’m one of a dying breed of physical media collectors and I buy at least 100 blu-rays per year - more than I can afford really. Since I had a kid and cut the cords on cable there are a couple shows - GoT and TWD -

    You don’t think that it’s fair that, after 3 bad movies in a row from a certain creative team, a person considers the rumour that the next one is bad has a good chance of being true?

    It’s made even more frustrating and futile by the fact that so many of these awful nitwits don’t even have the self-awareness to acknowledge that they’re actually racist. At least Morrison was dealing with people who overtly questioned the fundamental humanity of non-white people - that can be easily challenged and

    No you’d be fine. Seriously, ladies, if this happens to you make sure you punch and/or kick the guy in the face, throat and/or balls AND press criminal charges.

    Never stop never stopping.

    Don’t fuck with trained fighters is a rule for life. My dorm neighbour in college was a boxer - I’ve frequented a bar where a local MMA fighter hangs out - people always want to challenge these guys to prove something and though they were almost always too disciplined to take the bait, a couple of times they got

    So is internet commenter bullshit.

    I’m not getting a sense of fun from your comments. As a lover of movies I’m kind of de facto lover of actors and all their actor-y bullshit. May they never cut it out.

    He knows he’s playing the villain you insufferable little toolbag. Part of his job is promotion and that means speaking with interviewers and not giving boring 3-word answers to questions about his character. “I’m the villain.” He makes potentially boring answers more interesting. Clearly you prefer just being boring

    Here’s a fun idea - maybe stop worrying about it and maybe definitely stop telling people to shut the fuck up. He’s not a Trump supporter defending racism, he’s an actor talking about a character he’s playing.

    And some people don’t believe the world is round. They’re stupid too. The stakes and reality of the situation were made abundantly clear going into this election. Everyone who didn’t vote for Hillary is culpable for what happens next.

    How was she fucking terrible? In what way? She’s incredibly intelligent. She has spent a lifetime in politics - I know this could also be seen as a flaw, but at least knows how the government works. Every president since maybe FDR has basically worked to maintain the status quo so the fact that she would do so isn’t a

    That is so fucking stupid. Choose: Cut off your baby finger-tip or cut off both your arms. Did you choose the finger-tip? Good fucking choice, Einstein!

    Just a little Be-a-Better-Person FYI - going off the reservation is considered offensive to some and is a phrase rooted in some pretty horrible history. I’m sure you didn’t mean it as such and I’m not mad atcha, but would suggest you ditch that one!