Solaire, Radiant Sun

I’m not staying with it. I haven’t played it in many months. But I plan to go back to it, yes, because I liked some of the Riddler challenges’ puzzle design. I’m a Zelda guy, and there are few games these days that offer interesting environmental puzzles. I found a bunch of them and am hoping that there are more good

Which android phone do you have? The UI of the 6P is neither slow nor is it ugly.

I’m fine with Bernie staying in the race to accumulate votes and show Democrats that there is broad, national support for a progressive agenda. I am not alright with him staying in the race in a desperate bid to win.

Yep, that is just terrible. You know what a good Pokemon game for adults would be?

“A pokemon game for adults!”
*starts in the real world and transports the character to the pokemon world where they’re considered demons*
Okay. Gonna give this a pass.

You know, if you really like a Nintendo-related fan project, don’t post it on Kotaku, because that’s like a hotline to Nintendo’s lawyers ready to push the shutdown button.

“Don’t worry, that’s gonna get nerfed”, I lost it!

The trailer was pure genius, too. I can’t wait to try her tonight.

I assumed it was bigger than usual because she’s pregnant.

Yep, for many reasons. 1) People of all races and ethnicities have large butts. Having a sizable ass is not a cultural trait that can be appropriated because it is a biological trait that is found across diverse populations all over the world. 2) Oakland is not synonymous with black. It’s a very racially diverse

Agree completely. I always get told I have a black girl’s butt, usually by POC.

My rage-o-meter is in the negatives on this one guys. This is a dumb take.

To be honest, this article was almost just this:



Good god, please tell me you know what she is referencing when she says “LA face with an Oakland booty.” Please, please, please. DON’T MAKE ME FEEL OLD.

Shit, I actually typed Overwatch. I MEANT Battleborn. Stupid samey titles.

No he does not. You are thinking of Oscar Mike from Battleborn. Completely different game. Soldier 76 is actually a far more tactical character than most people realize. They see his auto-aim ult and sprinting and immediately assume he requires no skill. Whilst it’s true he requires less than say Tracer, for example,

He’s meant to be a slightly more ‘generic’ character for people who’ve played FPSs like CoD or something, but aren’t yet comfortable with the more exotic classes.

there’s also a “’96" in the first drawing, so I think the article is wrong