Solaire, Radiant Sun

His drawings that featured in WC 2 load screens were actually fantastic and I would love to frame them.

Origins took the map from City, changed two things. It was garbage and would have worked better as a DLC for AC. It really was the epitome of yearly franchise cash-in.

That stilted, cackling laughter in the trailers is kind of.... really fucking awful. Not even close to the sinister vibe they are pushing.

What a ridiculous burner name and concept. That dude is a twat.

Who would throw a frog into boiling water? This is a planet of monsters.

The animation in this movie still gives me nightmares. It's not bad, but something about the rendering is creepy as hell.

Actually that seems like a pretty solid gauge of quality.

You are the click-bait-iest writer io9 has ever seen. “Right here at io9!” is like your catch phrase.

Better yet, they can't get over not being clever at all.

He’s hot, would watch him in anything.

Everything you mentioned made me facepalm hard. This trailer made me hurt myself.

Simple. Jeez.

Simplel but informative, thanks!

Don’t forget Tony’s pet spider twink.

Next question! Why does a plant need insects- or anything else that bleeds- to live?


This is a really bad comment. “Leetle thingy called physics”, are you fucking high? Someone came back from the dead. There are dragons and ice zombies and Valyrian steel swords that are forged by spells and can kill ice zombies...

Tell me what episode that was. Right now.

If women want equality, should it just not even matter then?

I’ve had a severe fever for days and it was the most relaxing song I've heard lately. Different strokes.