You’ll have a pretty good idea if it will work out within 3 months. And if it doesn't, you don't have to list or even mention working for that company for only 3 months. And that's plenty of time to write off as an illness or ill loved one.
You’ll have a pretty good idea if it will work out within 3 months. And if it doesn't, you don't have to list or even mention working for that company for only 3 months. And that's plenty of time to write off as an illness or ill loved one.
Destiny looks nicer. That's my input.
Your auntie is a right floose for that!
This makes me irrationally angry.
This is incredible - I wish I was this clever!
“My calves ache...”
Your truth hurts me so much.
It was the audio on one, dead mobo on the next. They weren't too hard to replace but the first few had me worried.
Except when they crap out after 10 weeks :’(
Please tell me this is all about his space romps with his first few space boyfriends before he met his FN.
Or alternatively, they could have made the space phase way more interesting.
Would much rather have your idea, Battle School from Ender’s Game was awesome and the books went in a weird direction after that, I didn’t much care for the pig aliens or the Portuguese-infused culture (which reeked of the bigot author trying to be worldly, encyclopedia in hand as he wrote- it didn't work for me).
Eh it's not so much about avoiding spoilers as it is hanging on to every chance at experiencing the game for myself.
What’s hard is trying not to watch any trailers and go in completely unaware. Including this.
Seriously though what hipster language is this??
That is hilarious and awesome and I'm glad it's not for the other thing!!
Whyy would you make your burner name after that awful woman!!
I got lucky and caught a double xp weekend, but generally I understand the frustration.