princess jabba

it's actually not basically like that, jsyk, fyi, etc

absolutely. UGH. when she asked about him following her to Russia and he just looked at her?? come on :((( i mean we KNOW it's philip and eliz 4 lyf/5eva but the way he was like "me and her? NAW HELL NAW" i mean even after everything, it's just… dude… and when he was listing off places she could have gone and said she

it was martha's phone call to her parents that got me, and i'd been waiting for it thru the last ep and into this one. how she's their little girl and the dad sounding so confident like, sure, he'd patiently listen to her problem and then fix it easy-peasy. such a dad move. too sad.

winnick doing her thing + rollo constantly popping his shirt off and rockin a manbun?? hell YEAH you know the good citizens of tumblr got it covered

is that definitely out, then? google is giving me ancient articles (age of ultron rumors!? it was a more innocent time) and empty speculation/fancasting. she really does seem perfect for the role, has that cockiness and physicality, plus that hair!

that is NOT the news i was hoping for!! bummer.

I know ;) And that's part of what I'm getting at. I get so focused on whatever potential event or outcome of a given cutscene in a later sequel that I almost can't enjoy the game I'm presently playing. The example I was thinking of (which if you know the ins and outs of DA2 you've probably guessed), I may want my

One example that comes to mind is that asari working with Saren in 1 and then Grunt's dad in 2. You let her go both times and in 3 it turns out she was, I'm blanking on the in-game term, but basically infected by the reapers and kills a bunch of people. That might be the only example though. So yeah, a roundabout way

LMAO I almost made that my example. Yeah. Like from Origins now it's like, what am I going to do with Alistair? Because it might come back and bite me in the butt 500 hours from now when I finally get to Inquisition. Brutal.

Recently replayed the Mass Effect trilogy (well…2/3 of the way thru 3, beyond that I believe everyone lives happily ever after raising cute krogan babies on the quarian homeworld w geth prime nannies) and painstakingly did every "correct" choice w endgame shit in mind. Looking back, yeah, kind of made it not fun.

ha! on the waterfront for me.

Part of me agrees with your sentiment re: Martha x Philip. I mean, yeah, his training, guilt, pity, etc, but how can you convincingly fall in love with someone, BE in love with them, be married, spend time together and have it be a total lie for years and years? Obviously, Martha is not Elizabeth, but there does seem

Man, I spent this ep just WAITING for Martha to die. Like, I love her and certainly don't want it to happen, but I've pretty much accepted its inevitability and at this point am just anxiously waiting. So when Eliz entered the safe house, I thought, oh shit, she's gna kill Martha. Then, when Philip and Martha were

I love that one!

It's buggin me so much

so much RELIEF from that headline… and i haven't seen this show outside a couple eps when i was home sick one day several years back. da hype is real

lovin the idea that a group of 2 or more testicles are called a pal

same. also (and i cut out in season 2, so maybe they got better with this) but there was a real prudishness toward sexying up the guys. like T&A everywhere but as soon as a guy was shown in what might be a similar sexual and vulnerable position, they kind of reeled back and shoved more boobs in. just weird.

firstly that is an AWESOME fort. but the attitude in this article is weird. not at all unique or anything esp regarding this topic but i guess i don't get the hate toward this series? it's dumb, but so what? most books are trash. IDK. i work in a secondhand bookstore and guys trip over themselves to get whatever weird

loved it! maybe i'm just totally won over by this show, but I give this ep the usual A+++