princess jabba

late to this party but just watched the first 4 eps and looking forward to the rest later this week. with the exception (so far) of the 3rd ep i don't actually laugh that much?? but it's still 'funny' to me somehow. or interesting. IDK. i spend a lot of time with my hand over my mouth.

just spitballin here, but maybe they're also in night school to be a lawyer… they're the best in their class and the DA has asked them to help out on a tough case

but it WOULD be interesting if they were a cop/doctor. like they are chasin the guy, shoot him the gut (or whatever cops do), and then its sirens on, a thrilling ride to the hospital! where the grim faced cop removes their uniform to reveal…. BLUE SCRUBS!! OMG! (because they're a surgeon) "NURSE?" "*breathless*

i had zero interest in this show as (1) i couldn't even get into the books and (2) one guy has a stupid hat, but you have just won me over

not kal'reegar?!!!

yanno i jumped on board as s1 aired and at the time i thought it was brilliant and hilarious, but that WAS over a decade ago and humor/our perception of it changes. if i came to the series as a new fan today & started from the very beginning, i'm not sure i would have the same enthusiastic response that i did way back

same. where i live (some?) schools are not even providing textbooks any more.

aw. bless you.

The Hanged Man! Stoic, shirtless Qunari! Underworld connections! Endless supplies of wet ashes! All the torn trousers you could EVER want! Random enemies dropping from the sky! There's also the odd dragon. Cursed mines! Aaand French people.

DRAGON AGE 2 (obviously this is an exception as it is not terrible but a masterpiece in character study and cute boys, as well as aveline's arm muscles and isabela's juicy butt)

so i've heard. ;) she's so…. freakin adorable it hurts?

genuine question: what's it like to constantly have shit catered to you?? shit you probably didn't even ask for or even want.

what breed is meechum? i've been thinking of getting a dog. lab mix??? water dog, for sure

clearly they stole your idea

god that bunny is so FRIKKIN CUTE. taking deeps breaths bc it's getting to mice and men levels of want

you damn kids with your music

ughhh somehow i'd convinced myself midnighter might keep going thru the new event (reboot? revamp?). i think it was couple issues ago he cannonballed onto a space station with nothing but a crowbar? and it made him so. happy. <3

i don't think so? but that doesn't mean they didn't. ;)

Ugh. He's the WORST

only knew her from double dare which i saw ages ago and was thinking thru the interview, "is that her?" love the personal growth she talks about at the end, can so relate. as another gal who cries at pretty much everything, happy tears of solidarity. happy tears FIST BUMP.