princess jabba

BEAR STORY? C'mon. World of Tomorrow or that cosmonaut one. Those were the SHIT(s). More like bull story

ahh that was one of little-kid-me's favorite parts about visiting my grandparents, they had it on vhs plus that godzilla toy that shoots its arm off. PLUS a candy machine that didn't need money. plus my grandparents who i, you know, loved.

throw him in the traaaaash….

heart has a couple loudish songs, so that's legit

upvoted for enthusiasm

i wasn't gonna, but since you asked… ok.


can nintendo just port? it's been a hundred years. i'm sorry i got an xbox boohoo now let me give you money

Salvation DOES feature a giant robot with a gun for a head. So that's good.

2013?? to hell with you


haven't gotten to see the new eps yet but that was my feeling on jaha thru s2. it seemed they gave him his big sendoff on the arc, but he has stuck around for some reason

my most pressing question from last season is "MARTHA????"

haha i used to play this against my brother. it would usually devolve into us finding each others guys to watch run around in circles staring at the ceiling

Seriously! Are they even watching the same show? Yikes.

Yeah Frank put rat poison in her shampoo, for example, and her hair started falling out. Good times~~

i feel like these are obvious but i work at a bookstore and my metric might be different, IDK: if you haven't already tried amulet or bone i'd easily rec either of those for that age group, boy or girl. calvin and hobbes, wimpy kid/dork diaries, captain underpants… geronimo/thea stilton…

since you're offering, i've been thinking about getting an xbox live sub for a while now but couldn't really justify the expense. so i'll take that. my username is bugeaterbean. thx.

is there FULL penetration though?

"A bipedal cornhole bag affixed with a mustache…"