princess jabba

that darn squirrel!

STAND DOWN…. everybody just: stand. down.


madame first enchanter!

early on i thought i might end up skipping some of them, but found myself looking forward to them instead. the primary text on its own is fantastic, but the footnotes give such incredible insight into the truths/half truths of the raven king and how deeply his mystery affected english history. EXQUISITE.

just picked that up on bluray and YES it's so much fun

or just show his feet and striped stockings, muppet baby style

read Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell this month which I am still totally taken with. I love the alternate history and rich lore. i mostly read scifi/fantasy these days but I've never read anything like JS&MN before and feel a little sad it's over. the series was good but didn't touch on a fraction of what's in the

an oldie but a goodie… MASS EFFECT. YEAAAH. It's finally available on xbone and I am playing the spit out of it. it really doesn't look too bad considering it's seven or eight years old. no idea when 2 and 3 will become available, so i am playing thru verrryyy slowly, checking out all the planets, found ALL matriarch

I was into it. I think for a lot of shows, they would set up all the "hard decision" stuff but not really follow through, or find another way with Clarke standing down and finding a more peaceful way, maybe with a nice li'l passionate speech about working together & living to fight another day, etc. But when she (er,

seconded. i might even start a rewatch this week. that season 2 finale… OMG.


oh yeah like five comments down

was it crazy to anyone else when she and the cop fell sideways into the trash heap? that just looked weird. it made me laugh but i couldn't tell if the show wanted us to think they'd (storywise) actually jumped from the building or pretended to jump to fool the officer. i mean it doesn't really matter but lmao

stop stOP STOP. community stop. stop.

<3 poingnancy <3

i don't even have kids but i fuckin LOVE pigeon

it's not really "refuse" more like "…oh…. THAT guy?" and that sort of colors the whole experience. for me, anyway. not taking some big stand or boycott or anything, it's just like, yeah he's a rapist and i'd just personally rather not go there and again, it just colors the whole deal knowing that. and even beyond that


"there's a new world coming, she's already on her way"