princess jabba

SERIOUSLY i didn't like seeing her suffer but at the same time i was so excited for the robot arm

no kidding. her superpower is herself. love her more every time she shows up

nice rundown of her recent history! with only the vaguest sense of who night nurse is (from that doctor strange book you mentioned) i'd somehow just assumed she was claire temple offscreen as well. smooth, netflix

yeah. i haven't watched the new season yet, but as much as i loved it even the first was kind of more good/bad than actually GOOD. like i'm a sucker for robots and angsty grumps learning to work together and be friends and stuff, so bring it! but let's not kid ourselves. on the other hand i believe avc covered How to

i happened to catch this a second time after feeling somewhat ambivalent about the first viewing… and i ended up really liking it. it's NICE with friends and funny and everything works out(TM). so yeah. they can take my money for the dvd. plus it has sigourney weaver's greatest cameo ever since five seconds earlier in

an Authority movie is one of those comics adaptations I'd love love looove and will always pine for, but know prob won't happen. Along with a sexy legal dramedy starring She-Hulk.

that nine lives trailer is unreal.

"grotesque mojo" lmao

easily half the jokes went over my head but something about this show always appealed to me. haven't seen it in probably ten years and i doubt i'll understand it any better but i'm so going.

lol. I know. I basically enjoy the movies as much as the next person but asking us to sit thru ten mins of credits for some half hearted sneak peak of a teaser trailer? FUCK YOUUUSE

I'm sure you must have guessed this, but I was thinking more of her other book-to-tv project mentioned in the article. And okay. "Speculative fiction". Or whatever.

So cool. Hope this means we see more feminist sci fi lit made into tv/movies… Gate to Womens country, butler's parable books, and Connie Willis' time traveling history department in particular imo is DYING for an adaptation.

whaaat i had no idea this was coming back so soon!

That's very amusing, but I believe if a neighbor is unhappy with your life choices they usually sneak by at night to knock your trash can over. They may also steal your paper, which is really messed up if you've just moved in and don't have enough simoleons for a computer yet to do job searches. Looking at you,

whenever the illegals talk about what it will be like for someone to "go home", as Gabriel did in this ep w william, it sounds as if they are talking about heaven or something. It just sounds totally unreal and placating. And yeah, Martha is probably alive and well in Russia, but I still wonder. Probably stemming from

rly late to this but OMG. Seriously. The comment sections for anything related to this movie never disappoint: dozens to hundreds of people shouting to the winds how they are not sexist, but…! Like, damn. Major side eye. It's another stupid comedy, you'll deal. Just don't see it. It literally is that easy.


jumping in here as i happened to take another glance at vol 1 earlier this evening and was reminded of just how CHILLING leaving megalopolis is. i'm no good at keeping up with monthlies but it seems the sequel surviving meg. is ongoing right now?? nice to have trades to look forward to.


Ha! Cap or Falcon I believe mention something abt finding a ride, actually looking for the quinjet, but part of me dared to hope….