
recent releases like Soul Calibur IV? Strike that, reverse it.

Context does matter, but you are picking and choosing what context matters to you. As it stands, white people wearing dark makeup to appear black is the continuation of a practice tied to the mocking of black people, and often enslaved Africans, in the US. That’s the context for this. More context for this, which a

I was just talking to my friends this morning about how unfortunate it is that his passing isnt getting hardly any coverage.

I offer to fix it for China.

Are people in China really that easily triggered or is it like ten 80yr old government officials? I feel like the Chinese middle class that are wearing Prada and using smartphones all day couldn’t care less

Meanwhile 10 miles away the schools struggle to have books and computers.

Quick let's erase all trace of this naughty person from history. That's the best action to take!


“Stranger!” is still one of my brother’s bits.

To this day, in certain company I’ll say “What’ya buyin’?” and it will always prompt a laugh. Definitely a memorable performance.

+1 bamboozle

Let that bus full of children drown.  

I am fortunate that I randomly logged into Twitch and saw those grand finals live. I haven’t played Tekken in a decade, but am constantly amazed at how entertaining it is to watch. I had no idea the struggle this dude went through prior to the tournament, which makes his win even more impressive!

Meanwhile I’m reading Kotaku at 01:16pm next to cup of Cup Noodles™. 

On the one hand, this is Dead or Alive.

Dear Sony,

banning wobbling is wack

Let this game die already.

While most assuredly that is a reason, coming out 13 years later as a well made product, it was always going to outsell its predecessors. 

I dunno... maybe this has something to do with that fact that it isn’t a Playstation exclusive.