
Slow clap.

Playstation FOOOUUURRRR!

I’m betting all it’ll take is some meddling kids.

I’d give it a “Zoinks” but that’d probably kill Krillin.

This is basically where I’m at.

Someone may say “Well, the KH complete sets are available for PS4". I’m aware of that. I’m also aware of the fact that I just have absolutely no time to go through a million games (AND a mobile game which apparently contains some important canon?). I played 1 and 2 and just sorta dipped

I WANT to be hyped for KH2, but godDAMN. The story is just so convoluted and it feels like if you haven’t played all the side games (over a ton of systems), you’re not going to know what the holy living hell is going on and I HATE that. I feel sad because I so want to love this game and dive into the worlds, but...the

- I’m here for murder, you?
- Customizing my Anime waifu...
- Hey guys there’s an easy prey over he-
- ... IN JAPAN.
- R-right this way sir.

OF COURSE it’s some dude targeting a woman. 

Now playing

Hey Jason, I hope you guys go into KH3 with an open mind.

Really struggle to see how a game that relies heavily on luck and random item spawns could ever really hope to have a decent comp. scene.

I didn’t think we’d be finding ourselves in a situation where the latest Spider-Man movie is a more heartfelt and affecting piece of cinema than the latest Pixar film, but here we are.

I still can’t believe how good this movie is.

If you strike me down, I will become more powerful then you can possibly imagine.

I actually played through XV for the first time a few weeks ago with the Royal Edition and I just gotta say, I can’t imagine how disjointed the story was before all these patches because even with all of the extras in Royal Edition, this story is a complete mess...

Man that hot take is scorching. Spider-Man 2 is still widely regarded as one of the best made Super hero films around and along with X2 X-Men United is one of the major reasons people started to take these films seriously.  

that’s the most high quality gif I’ve ever seen

Slightly worse than that, they were cut in half and then glued down, with a christmas lightbulb inside. If I recall correctly anyway.

You know, when people talk about Marvel Easter Eggs, that’s not what I had in mind...

Ah yes, the Infinity Eggs, Thanos and the Easter Bunny, making shit happen.

Well this brings back some memories