For the love of god Jealous if you want to win tell people that you are not going to raise their damn taxes. That’s all people care about and that’s what hurt Anthony Brown more than anything.
For the love of god Jealous if you want to win tell people that you are not going to raise their damn taxes. That’s all people care about and that’s what hurt Anthony Brown more than anything.
Meanwhile Blue Shades is like “That it? You’re done?”
Why was Sweden playing so safe a man up?
It’s called the “Upbring New Hope Children’s Center”?!?.
Len Bias died 32 years ago yesterday btw
Fyi, the show’s already started it’s on ESPN at noon Eastern Time
Thank you, also the NFL withheld information on the extent of repeated brain injuries from their players.
I believe that “herb”is more accurately something that actual (probably black) people used as a generic insult. Its origins are probably hard to pin down but definitely not from Burger King. Urban dictionary is just as reliable as Wikipedia
Now Fox is muted with a “Audio Difficulties” graphic on the screen
Harper is an entertaining, good player and every year he gets shat on by someone in baseball for reasons usually unfounded or “basebally”.
At least with Directv you get up to 6 matches on the mix channels.
Maybe just maybe you stop shooting when you miss like 10 in a row. Someone at least on the coaching staff should’ve said it’s ok to go inside with a lead every now and then. It’s game 7 you got to adjust and not just rely on your regular season success especially with what happened in game 6.
In Russia puck hits you
Grant Hill drinks Sprite
I’m have a chicken/egg dilemma between Trump voters and people who’d do this.
Breaking News: The victims are getting ESPY’s too, yay I guess?
LeBron is great blah blah blah. But if they make it to the finals again I can’t watch.
There’s some more people not in this that will probably show up in Avengers 4.
I agree it was in character considering what he’s been through.