Fucking Starlord man..THEY HAD HIM!
Soo..is TV One gonna stop running the Cosby Show now?
To me Democrats are just a defecto opposition party to the Republicans’ nonsense vision for the country. That’s it, nothing more nothing less. You don’t need to fall in love with them you just vote for them when the other (Republican) candidate is crap.
What’s up with Chance though?
I took keyboarding in my senior year in high school. My teacher covered up the keyboard with a piece of paper so we couldn’t see the keys. It helped us learn to type without looking down.
Reminds me of a now defunct youtube channel called “Nature Hates You”
Had the same thought
Had it on my laptop at 2am and got exhausted just watching all of it. I don’t know how she does it. Also what a bliggidy-black performance, it was like your favorite HBCU halftime show and probate all rolled into one.
Isn’t he also joining the rarefied air of Justin Beiber and Miley Cyrus?
The 3 buttfumble gifs are at the bottom of this page are mesmerizing
Oh, Samer got promoted to the Onion
Lorne Michaels hires too many people from the same areas, usually from Second City in Chicago. I heard Chris Rock had to personally recommend Leslie Jones to Lorne for him to give her a chance. I doubt a 40 year old black comedian like her would get a shot otherwise.
Snl’s funny when they do black stuff. They should have more black stuff.
The map that keeps on giving
Even America’s symbol wants to go to Canada
The referee was just following protocol
Probably for Highly Questionable
Saw this on Desus and Mero last week.
Gruden’s not racist, he has black players