Fake Raphael deLaghetto

Theres also the Letterman interview and getting props from him, their shows during the pandemic. They really kept it going through that time better than the other late night shows expect for maybe The Daily Show. Not mention all their Viceland stuff.

He leaned in with his hands behind his back waiting like “you got something to say” Also Chris spent his childhood getting beat up and bullied.

Open handed slapped in front of the world and you keep rolling. Man, comedians are built different. I don't know what I would’ve done

Yeah, The Freeze is a trained sprinter.

Check out Doc Rivers’ post game comments

This what it’s going to take. Americans are so selfish and greedy that they either need a person they know or themselves to die from a GLOBAL PANDEMIC to take it seriously.

Me too. It looks like all the nominated shows leaned into the heavier issues (including Kimmel) in a more traditional “break it down” way a la Daily Show. People are not used to Desus And Mero’s style yet.

Speaking of people lighting their careers on fire..Nick Cannon..

Yeah, they only cared about themselves (blond haired, blue eyed Germans) and to a lesser extent admired the Japanese

I’ve been playing for a long time and something that can take you to the next level is utilizing the weekly discounts (never buy things on Wednesdays that aren’t for sale) and playing 2x or 3x events or sell missions. I haven’t spent an extra dime on this game and don’t intend to. Reddit can be a helpful resource for

My comments aren’t really that much about the particulars of the noose incident and more about the macro sentiment of this article. The conversations happening after the fact from conservatives and whites are exhausting. They doubt everything because they believe they're the arbiters of truth.

We are also tired of trying to convince white people who won’t be convinced. Or the whites that allow misunderstandings like this to harden their hearts. I remember a quote from Larry Wilmore on how to detect if someone is full of it “people demand evidence for the obvious then expect you to swallow the preposterous”.

Have we looked into to this church burning? I’m not normally a conspiracy guy but some random burns a church in walking distance of the white house. Trump walks over and does a photo op expressing to his base, who sees a burnt church, that we won’t tolerate this from these godless protesters while holding a bible.

It’s not weird, you’re supposed to wet your hands first.

Darrell Morey’s tweet was reckless regardless of whether he’s right or not. If cared enough he should’ve held his team back from going over there in the first place.

The lesson is Don’t Press Send”.

Facts. I heard Bomani Jones say his no.1 goal when traveling abroad is to get back home. China don’t approve of free speech of their own people let aline from some foreigners.

Those paying attention seen all along that Lebron wasn’t trying to be Kap. Two totally different approaches. Lebron is more kum ba yah with his messages. It’s general safe statements about being more than an athlete, denouncing Tamir Rice’s death, or wearing an hoodie in solidarity with Travon Martin. There’s nothing