Soiled Snake

What is military jargon for “fun killing pedant”?

Having both would be a good thing. A lot of people would re-buy the same games again. Especially if the mini console is actual replicated hardware and not just a boxed emulator.

Health loss depends on the sheild being used. The starter shield is garbage, but most anything else can tank entire hits as long as your stamina holds up. The better use for shield is to bash enemies and stun/knock them over.

They have said in the FAQ for Necropolis, that support and add-ons are dependent on sales and reception. Sales seem to be great, but opinion seems pretty strongly negative. The “angry loud, active, down voting minority” seems to be making the rounds on the steam reviews, but there are a lot of legitimate criticisms.

What, no Super Metroid race? That was just about my favorite event.

People buy priceless paintings because they are worth a lot of money to people that are not them. Sure, having a Rembrandt in your bathroom is a beautiful thing, but someday that painting will be sold for, most likely, more money.

It works great with the wireless adapter, and it is a joy of a controller. I was sort of meh about the XBone controller, but the elite refines it to become one of the best pads I have ever held. The goofy circular pad for example is by far the best implementation of a d-pad in years.

It works great with the wireless adapter, and it is a joy of a controller. I was sort of meh about the XBone

Dragon Ball Z is a dumb program for little children. The movie was awful in amazing ways, but c’mon, the source material was bad to begin with.

Eh. I think it has had it’s good moments since then, but the art has gotten really lazy these last few years. His older stuff may not have been as technically competent, but it had a lot more care and attention to detail than the over-emoting buck-toothed stuff that is pretty much the status quo now.

Sexualization of underage persons is honestly creepy no matter what culture is doing it. It isn’t fair to say it is a “Japan thing” but it is no less creepy.

Exactly. Nobody but other Christians care what Christians think.

It was red spit. It may have come from his mouth, but it is just as likely to have come from the hot pocket.

Already have a poop cam ready to go, I am just waiting to hear back from twitch about what exactly needs to be in frame.

It was an umbilical hernia, so an uber-outie.

The look was: “You need my soldiers, and you will need to marry me to get them”

It isn’t in defense of his work. More like “These films are total shit, how can anyone be worried that the films’ integrity is about to become more compromised?”

These are not children’s movies. Giant robot nuts are not really something that screams “for small children”.

It almost writes itself.

You are about 20 years too late on that realization.

I too spend the morning strapped to a chair, forced to read every story on every site.