Soiled Snake

This sort of streaming is completely unacceptable and offensive on every level. Seriously, can she cram a few more overlays into her stream? How can people even notice her near-nudity when her formatting is that shamefully bad.

He directly funded racist and anti-Semitic propaganda, that is what people are/should be upset about.

Actually, they are both bad.

For a generation that loves irony, we sure are really bad at sometimes.

Politics is all about convincing people that they should vote against their own best interests.

Arkham Horror is an old favorite of mine, but by the time you chuck in a couple of expansions, the game is a mess, and despite having played it dozens of times, I still frequently mess up a couple rules or learn that something works differently than I thought.

WIth a small group of 2 or 3 players, each handling two investigators, we can knock down an entire game in about 2 and 1/2 hours (much faster when things go really really wrong) Set up time can be a killer, so having the components well organized can greatly speed up the game.

It depends who recorded it, and it depends on whether or not the conversation is taking place in a location “that has a reasonable expectation of privacy” or not.

I will definitely buy the iPhone 8 if it is rocking some fins.

Apple will never stop naming devices like Police Academy sequels.

I was hoping Kwijibo was the winning word.

You should stop preordering games. Every single issue, with NMS, and pretty much every big game release that turns out to be bad, could be completely avoided 100% of the time by waiting 3-4 days until after release and doing a trivial amount of research. Hell, most of the time it will take less than 12 hours for

You keep the person signing your checks happy, or you stop getting paid. Welcome to the workforce.

nobody is removing the videos, they are just saying that they aren’t going to pay people for content they deem inappropriate. That is not censorship, it is advertising 101.

The pro fixes the shoulder buttons, and is wonderful. Well wonderful as long as you can get past the cost.

I had five GCN controllers. My original spice colored controller lasted me the entire life of the console. One of the other 4 did break down though; the left thumbstick eventually lost its springyness and wouldn’t center.

Dreamcast controller is awful. Like seriously, I cannot even ironically like it. Even the original XBox canned ham controller was better.

So in other words, people feel about this ARG exactly as I feel about Overwatch in general?

“Something Vimes had learned as a young guard drifted up from memory. If you have to look along the shaft of an arrow from the wrong end, if a man has you entirely at his mercy, then hope like hell that man is an evil man. Because the evil like power, power over people, and they want to see you in fear. They want you

Besides the binary “Aug A or Aug B” aspects of the original, you could easily max everything meaningful by a little over half way through the game. And the aug choices weren’t really all that weighty either, because most of those “this or that” options had a pretty clear better choice.