Soiled Snake

Mega Man started with good games too, and let’s be honest here, MN9 could be retitled “Not quite similar enough to Mega Man to provoke legal action but it is totally Mega Man”

It required 6 batteries, gave less than 2 hours of play, it weighed 42 pounds, and required half a dozen orphan souls to manufacture.

If only one-liners worked as code.

Yes, Valve is trying to lose money.

So much perfume, but still a pig.

Oh good, more Overwatch.

You have a decent deck as soon as you take down a couple of the early inn keepers. You can play against them as many times as you want with no penalty for loss, and when you win you get a bad ass cards.

I love how great a sense of humor they have about some of the bugs in their games. Roach is also the best game horse ever.

If Tommen dies, I am pretty sure ser Pounce will be next in line for the throne. The powerplay nobody saw coming...

When she was being bested over and over again. She has lost virtually all of her power, and her struggling to regain some agency makes her interesting. The only reason it seems like “sympathy” is because she is now an underdog and the Sparrow is probably worse than her.

Nah, Joffrey was boring because he was just completely hideous. You always knew what he was going to do. He was cruel and stupid, and did things in that order.

Can we rename Highlight Reel “This week in Overwatch” already?

Catan can provoke weapons grade passive aggressive assholery in even the kindest of souls.

The thing is though, everyone forgets to do a check once in awhile. It may not be often that you forget, but you do. You probably went through the whole game and never got stung because that time or two you forgot, it didn’t happen to be a mimic.

In the house I lived in before my current, there was a small closet in the basement. This closet was in the hollowed out space beneath the single concrete slab that constituted the front step of the house.

I think the imperfections in a lot of these are almost as important as the accuracies. Saying that I would say I am not a big fan of heavy filter use, and I would rather see what the final product looks like in the real world.

People find religion somewhere.

How many pictures of spaceships that haven’t even been modeled yet have you bought?

Your game is never going to come out, and most of the money invested in it has probably been wasted by now. Read the signs my poor blind friend.

THe market was pretty much as it is now: AAA titles were often pricey, and bargin stuff much less so. PC gaming was a lot smaller of a niche back in the good old days; people were too busy maintaining their horses and buggies to play the video games.