Soiled Snake

Not disagreeing with you, but having lived back in those days, I can tell you that $300 wasn’t a lot of money then either. That would have bought you an SNES and 2 or 3 games. Not such a good price for corporate espionage.

I am very sorry that you lack the ability to see issues and arguments on anything but the most superficial level.

Nothing sucks out the fun and camaraderie of something faster than turning it into a profession. See also: Sports and e-sports

I am sure all the ladies want nothing more than to impress you.

“I’m glad you got someone who actually does localization as a profession for the podcast,”

The old poise system was sort of bad though....

I tend to play nice with invaders. I don’t use estus, I don’t summon a bunch of henchmen when they come for me, and I don’t try to bore them do death by hiding. As long as they are playing by the same rules anyway. As soon as they start chugging, I do to. They try and drag the fight out by hiding, I don’t chase them

Virtually none of the game mechanics are explained beyond “hit button to attack” and “this stat affects X,Y, and Z. Why would this be any different? People go on and on about how great the sense of discovery is in the Souls games, well, here is a chance to discover and figure something out.

Poise has always been a sort of crutch stat, that people overly used in PVP. A full set of heavy armor, and all the poise enhancements you could find would allow uninterrupted heavy attacks. Sure, the guy hirring you with the faster weapon might land one or two hits during your windup, but as soon as your massive

Donald Duck vs. Darth Vader is never not hilarious.

Read about Holywood book keeping sometime. I will spoil the ending for you: no movie ever turns a profit on paper.

10000 tiles and it still doesn’t take up as much space a fully expanded 4th edition Talisman game.

It is normal in the sense that the world is full of shitty people, many of which do other things with their time besides gaming, and may also remember to switch off their stream before they assault their partner.

If you are using reviews aggragated on the store front you are buying the games from, you deserve no better.

I think it is pretty terrible honestly, but this isn’t really all that different than pretty much every other form of music/film/fiction. It is a made up thing. Someone makes it, others consume it.

These days he calls it “regretpunk”

“Habitable” is a pretty subjective term.

Everytime I level up, my body fills with extra meat and blood to abosorb damage.

Stop playing games on glorified office equipment and become a real gamer.

As long as they make the combat like BioShock 2. 1 is such a slog for the entire second half of the game as every enemy has like 4 times as much health as they do in the intro areas, and the two handed system still requires an actual swap step to go from guns to plasmids.