Soiled Snake

It depends where you live. Live in Nebraska, and 50k will let you live like a king. California? Not so much.

The conditions for developers are pretty horrible, however, so is everything else. This generation is already expected to fight tooth and nail for limited job positions, survive unpaid internships in many fields, and in general struggle for even modest wages. If he really wants to make games, he should go for it,

“Would liberals consider it free speech if I show up at a Sander’s campaign with my loudspeaker and just yell nonsense,”

Sucks to be poor I guess.

Call it an analog video game, where you have to do all the math. Does that make more sense?

Wow, that is a whole lot of dumb argument in so few words.

But, most games don’t let you choose, you are given a specific character to play as.

Nintendo is also behind on storage space. The single 30MB harddrive they have hosting the Mario Maker levels needs to be upgraded so they won’t need to prune the pool so aggressively.

Bummer that the next 2 games were pretty much the exact same sequence of events and enemy progression.

That level (the library) horrible. No else in the game was the copy/paste template used to design many of the levels so blatantly obvious.

Well, the persons writing the expansion wrote something, and now some other people want the content compromised , because they may be uncomfortable with what said authors wrote.

Mine is marking secret/hidden jump points, just a little bit to the side so the jumper misses the platform.

Modding those controllers is easy though?

“People are going to love paying for mods they could get for free up until recently on a five+ year old game”

I modded mine by unplugging it and getting a better controller.

“It hits all you tastebuds when you slurp” is nonsense and made up. It will “hit all your tastebuds” by being moved through your mouth, sucking a bunch of air into your mouth when eating is not going to spread it around inside any better than simply eating it.

The image in my head: Two gnarled twigs with a few leaves still jutting out of them placed next to the plate.

This is why you have no friends

Replace soy sauce with ketchup, and sushi with meat, and then decide if you are still alright with the statement. (and why shouldn’t you be?)

You have also learned how to be great fun at parties as well.