Soild Snake

If cancel culture was an actual thing Musk, Trump, and a number of other habitual jackfucks would have been silenced long ago.

In the Tennessee edition, he is married to Baby-Pac

Its an amazing PvE weapon against large bosses, and can easily do thousands of damage and stagger them with one L2 attack.

Get two of them and power stance (dual-wield) them. They aren’t badass for the damage, they are bad ass because they break poise (interrupt attacks) like champs. With two of them whizzing around it is hard to get close enough to get in  hit.

In the first few games, your character was in a weakened state by default; lower max hp, possibly lower attributes, there was some variation from game to game. Whenever you did something to reach full strength, (beating bosses, using limited items, or whatever) you became vulnerable to invasions. This was an awful

and then of course those people decided to fly the camera into her crotch

Have done lots of Pvp, Hoarfrost was a non-issue. Yeah you might get a little tagged by the first hit, but it was rare I was ever caught by the follow up damage tic (and that is where the real pain was) Once you closed on them, they were hosed.

Some of the bells for even middle level stones (like 4s and 5s) come so late in the game, cost is hardly an issue by the time you get them anyway.

I personally will not be happy until From has changed the game balance in such a way that I am the only one that can beat it.

I steal the gas, so I can fuel up my car, and find more cars to steal gas from, which I then use to replace the gas I burned looking for more cars.

So dude did this to invoke the so-called “woke mob” so that he could then hit up the much larger/active “right wing/incel rage machine” for some signal boosting.

He will get staggered by almost any attack, so as long as you can tag him before he gets the attack off, you will interrupt him. Best way to set this up is to wait until he starts running for you. Walk right up and hit him. I was using a curved great sword and it was fast enough to work. The proper timing varies by

Mad Tongue convinced me that I wasn’t going to do a caster the first time through after all.

The NES and Sega CD were the last two consoles/collections that I parted with. The NES because I was still literally a child and it was a condition of getting a Genesis, and the Sega CD got ditched years later after I had moved out on my own and had to choose between it and my SNES and PSX collections because I just

He is a garbage person, to the acid vats already.

Once again I am glad that I never parted with my SNES collection.

Yeah no shit.

“Can I use this to launder money? Yes? A masterwork!”

But Cortana looked like shit in Halo 4.

Hosted by the Iron Sheik!