Soild Snake

Here is some voting wisdom that I have heard some variation of many times over the years:

Bummer. With a name like that, the kid is going to suffer through almost as many beatings as his dad deserves.

For real. Karma is blind and dumb

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”

My favorite part of all this, are the dumbfucks that are arguing about whether he literally advocated for drinking bleach versus people saying he didn’t specify drinking it, only that it should be applied to the inside of the body somehow.

Organizers are a god-send on this. Also, alternately, best possible scenario is having a friend in your group that has a nice gaming table or area that they can just leave the game mostly set up between sessions. It’s a lot to ask for but what a good time if you can pull it off.

People were pissed even then, but the Academy has always had its head up its own ass and the media sort of uncomfortably avoided the topic. Polanski has always been treated with kid gloves by a large part of the film industry though. 

I have played in a few games with GMs that are terrible and less desirable than an AI that would at least get the rules right, does that count?

My favorite part of real-time-with-pause RPGs is the dozens and dozens of inconsequential fights that are between the entrance and exit of every dungeon level. Wait did I say “favorite”? I meant the thing that sucks the worst.

For that and for being able to play offline it was the best version

I can honestly not think of too many games that can entertain so many reversals of fortune in a single game and not feel stupid and random. Sure, random stuff can bork your chances, but pretty much every time that happens, you knew you were tempting fate when you put yourself out there.

This new adaptation will obviously focus on the adventures of Duncan Idaho

They are always looking for next “The One Good One”.

Let’s just put dogs and cats in charge. Clearly we are the ones that need to be taken care of.

Maybe, but Hoskins brought his own unique thing with him. Had Murphy done the film he wouldn’t have been doing a Hoskins impression, he would have put his own twist on it. It is hard to imagine what it would have been like with someone else in the role, but that doesn’t mean that we are necessarily on the timeline

It is very easy to see people doing something hobby or fandom related, and come to the conclusion that their entire lives are devoted to that one thing. That the relationship is built on only the love of a bit of pop-culture. We do this in the same way that we assume every person that cuts us off in traffic is a

I personally can’t wait for them to finally get rid of vanilla ice cream!

Agreed. All I would need to see is the game running in higher res with cleaned up texture work, modernized menus (which were awful) and get rid of the really tedious dumb shit like having to strip naked before rolling stat upgrades so your armor doesn’t block half of the damn level up. Or having to menu half a dozen

I still maintain that this was the best thing I ever bought on the PS1.

I have run the game many times. I am happy to say that I have run missions with objectives as simple as “go change a light bulb” that ended in failure and 600% casualty rates.