Soild Snake

It’s a culture in the same way that bacteria growing in a dish is.

I would bet money that she probably already knows (or strongly suspects), and as soon as he tries to break of the marriage she is going to reveal that she knows this, or else is going to ask him if he is. People like this guy always assumes that their partners are static non-actors that have no volition or autonomy. I

As someone that has gone through medical training, I can say you would be surprised how many of the people in said programs, especially at the more prestigious facilities come from extremely well off families with so many connections that they never really fail. We had a guy that was kicked out of two different

Please nobody spoil this by pointing out that she was already extremely wealthy before going to medical school and that the discovery that she is a shit spewing garbage person will have zero actual impact on her quality of life. I would like to go to bed happy that evil has been punished.

Because when you really believe that you are the smartest, most interesting person in any room at all given times, you assume that you cannot possibly be saying the wrong thing. That is why.

Stand your ground laws will now have their names changed to “like a rock” laws and allow you to fire on people moving your all American 100% redmeat heterosexual stands for the anthem God loving Truck.

The Dems should definitely get on this one, because there is no way that Lucy won’t yank the football out at the last second this time.

New Wall: We are contracting with Invisible Fence Inc. to secure our border! Now please put on your collar.

Ha ha, jokes on all you healthy nations: The world is going to be a blasted wasteland and I’ll be long dead from measles or obesity, or tetanus and you will be eating dog food and fighting for gasoline.

You say “the Rapture” like it isn’t an end goal for a lot of these people. They are all convinced that because they were good Christians that hated the abortion, gays, and Muslims they are going to be gifted with a McMansion in the sky from which they can watch all the unbelievers get tortured for eternity on

Well the answer to that is “we literally do not care this is just a bullshit thing to get the fundamentalists and regressives to the polls by dangling some red-meat”.

No that is all wrong, Lieburals were causing the dust storms, until GI Joe came and stopped them.

THis is all actually a lot more honest than Trump’s usual self congratulations, at least this time there is data. I mean he didn’t bother to read what the data was, and is certainly misrepresenting it, but hey at least some science was involved! 

It is honestly the only reason I remember her name. I mean I don’t really pay that much attention to producers and game makers outside of the ones that are super revered, or reviled. I remember all sorts of just terrible hot-takes about her after AC1 came out and I also remember feeling about the same way you say you

A reminder about the WSJ as the pulse of the working person:

You are not alone. One of my Desert Isle records for sure.

This is not a distraction, it is the fucking CHUD-signal. “Get out and vote and stop the libs from molesting your children in the bathroom once and for all!

My guess? Is that it will default to the birth certificate and that is that. The argument will be that “there are not enough of these edge cases to matter and hey you all want equality so here it is because if the sexes are equal what are you libtards whining about?”

These people honestly think that the world revolves around them. They think that anywhere they go, they are the most interesting and important person in the room, so when someone is speaking in a language they cannot understand, they assume that they must be talking shit about them. I guarantee you that is what was in

All cats, even housecats, are ruthless, premeditated killing machines. They are built that way on purpose, and that is how they are supposed to act.