Soild Snake

“And who are they going to give raises and promotions to? The guy that does the “minimum” or the guy that works his ass off?”

Being an asshole will often get you kicked out of events, and possibly off of your streaming platform of choice. Also being an asshole will often result in people calling you out for being an asshole. Wait this sounds familiar....

Some days it seems like Twitch could really get right to the source of this problem and preemptively ban everyone that streams on their service permanently

Well at least we now know who has a copy of the Piss Tape.

This is unfolding more or less exactly as anyone with more than two brain cells could have predicted it would. This was never a serious debate, it was name calling, and maybe not as many people had to deal with bullies growing up as I assume some times, but this is exactly what always happened when you tried to debate

a schooner is a sailboat stupid head

Nah, they know he is a piece of garbage, but he is “doing god’s work” so its cool because he is only a vessel of divine will. Much like you might put one of those little things on your shoes when you go into some hospital units, or a condom before cheating on your spouse for the millionth time.

The outrage shouldn’t be about him saying “motherfucker” in the Oval Office, the outrage should be that it wasn’t preceded by “You are a dumb”.

I’m sorry but without strong evidence of bullying, I’m going to have to say it would be irresponsible, even dangerous for me to get on the slippery slope of listening and caring about anything she says.


Stop getting my hopes up

I guess wait and see what happens? Having Obsidian not one bad project away from bankruptcy might be good, but on the other hand, being forced into garbage projects and platform exclusivity might reduce their actual marketability. Obsidian makes great stuff but they are not a company who’s products have universal

Lots of professionals deal with stress many times in excess of winning or losing a sporting/gaming event. You know, like life and death shit not win or lose shit. Most of them are not afforded the privilege of throwing a gigantic tantrum so I guess my position is either grow up a little or accept that throwing stuff

I find it fun to be an awful assassin, that is fully speced for warrior for those times* that I blow my cover and have to create a pile of corpses.

As long as there are shitbags holding onto oceans of oil, there is going to be open opposition to anything that could reduce the value or eliminate petroleum as a fuel source. This isn’t about fighting against a tax, or “cheap energy for all” this is about keeping the value of oil as high as possible. There would

Yes that thing you don’t like is still popular with people that like it. Someday everyone will realize that thing you don’t like is actually a terrible thing and then your personal nightmare will be over.

Ask 42

In all honesty, you are not going to see voting stripped from women, but creating a voting and non-voting population along socioeconomic lines is a possibility. A lot of people would see nothing wrong with removing the vote from people on public assistance or those without gainful employment.

People that don’t find religion often cook one up without ever realizing it. Having said that, the whole “only those of us chosen by God are good and all others are sub-human” is not that unique of a refrain.

You are just saying that because someone walked up to you and pressed “A” aren’t you.