I give this about a month before they either stop bothering, or more likely, find a way to automate this. Most likely said “automation” will be using a reddit style up and down vote system.
I give this about a month before they either stop bothering, or more likely, find a way to automate this. Most likely said “automation” will be using a reddit style up and down vote system.
If by “grab it from their hands and cram it up their ass” you mean “meekly sigh and nervously do your job while fantasizing about assaulting someone” then yes.
And the second best hacker in the group.
I think the One Good Republican and the One Good Cop both live in the same apartment building a few miles outside of Jackson.
“Officer I was just scratching my nose with my middle finger while facing the palm towards my mouth and staring at you right in the eye, why did you just beat me? I just had an itch honest”
Well he also could have shot her? Seriously what is it with you liberals? You have some kid that has a confrontation with a police officer and lives, and you want to start splitting hairs about the cop not letting the kid live enough? Jeez.
“You just don’t know what the officer saw, you weren’t there” is my favorite hand wave argument used to declare every single police shooting as above any and all possible examination or critique.
“Fox News reporting. President Trump was rushed to the ER this morning after getting a glass marble stuck in his nose and Democrats are to blame. It has been reported that the president put the marble up his own nose after Chuck Schumer told him that there was no way that Trump would be able to ‘fit that whole thing…
I knew the Gay Agenda was behind this!
This would be discouraging except for the little fact that Mueller isn’t going to actually need to ask a question. All it is going to take is two chairs, Trump, Mueller, and maybe a few cans of Diet Coke. If Mueller is quick, he might get a chance to ask: “For the record can you state your name?” before Trump starts…
I created a hybrid of Monopoly and the Marvel Super Heroes Role Playing Game when I was in middle school with a friend of mine. You still bought property, but then you could also punch people onto your buildings and force them to pay rent. Thor could throw Mjolnir, Hulk could throw hotels. Professor-X could move other…
Welcome to my dorm bathroom during undergrad. I had a hot plate, a fridge, cutting boards, knives, s medicine cabinet full of spices, and a kettle. I cooked in there all the time because the campus food sucked, was expensive, and I had to walk outside 15 minutes to get to it (which was not a great arrangement in the…
This new Harvey Dent/2-Face origin story is pretty awesome so far.
This would not have even been hard to do properly, it just would have taken a tiny bit of effort to find 1000 people that were willing to sign a petition. What a lazy asshole that can’t even cheat properly.
In the season 1 Brisby episode, Brisby asks to use the cloning facilities that Jonas built, and Rusty coyly replies that he isn’t sure if he still has it.
The short, simple answer, is that clones made from a differentiated cell of an organism, are not necessarily going to be 100% identical, because there is more to how things turn out than just the genome. Cloning is super complicated, and any short answer I could give you in a comment box is going to have inaccuracies…
Capitalism is the greatest religion.
This class, is our “we are fucking screwed bucket”. See if an active shooter is in the building, we can use these tools along with your expertise in Minecraft and Fortnite to quickly MacGyver ourselves a little barrier to keep shooters out of our room.
“I built the biggest ship ever, and called it the Titanic! It was a huge success!”
Any place you have to spend eternity with these people is by definition Hell.