Piss and ash smoothie coming right up
Piss and ash smoothie coming right up
My Notebook from playing La-Mulana 2 looks a bit like some of those.
Set the table tonight to give your cat plenty of time to climb onto the table, knock items off, and press its butt onto as many plates as possible. Your furry friend will appreciate the time it will save.
Every time I introduce this game to new players, there is mild interest at best before we start, and laser beam focus by the end. This really is a great game, and I am yet to play another race game that ramps up tension over the course of the game so well.
I think it is the milk from one of Bannon’s pustules.
This is about selling security (snake oil) to people terrified of the fact that schools are being treated as shooting galleries. Nobody making these stupid things actually thinks it is going to save a life.
Where unbridled cynicism and unrestrained capitalism meet, we have people skating an edge so fine you cannot tell if you should be laughing or crying.
The man, the myth, the legend:
“The King is the most powerful piece. He is yuge, just look at him. Nobody is going to mess with the king. I say to this guy, this chess player guy, one of the best, I says ‘hey, why don’t you lead with the king, the king is always the most powerful piece?’ and he doesn’t, and you know what? He lost! Now I open all my…
Shave, don’t skin.
Maybe she wants you to cook it?
Now that you mention it, damn. I can’t argue with your point.
Oh look, the “Maybe YOU are the real racist because you assumed when I talked about scummy evil shit people that are defiling our America you assumed I meant non-whites” defense.
Would Fox news actually lose viewers if they just straight up started walking around on air with white robes and pointy hoods?
Much like “did you know I am part Cherokee?” the old white refrain “actually I have Scottish and Irish ancestors” can be pretty much assumed to be no more than a few sentences behind “Why isn’t there a White History Month?”
Three words:
Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth and all that shit right up to the “I’m sorry I was groping/sexually exploiting/stealing from my congregation but I deserve your forgiveness and isn’t the real victim here me?” tour
As long as courting these shit heads results in a net gain of votes, they will court them. As long as there are morons that splain away voting for bigots with the old “well I only consider the fiscal issues and not the social ones” excuse then you are going to keep seeing the dudes with the pointy hoods in plain…
Sadly though, Facebook still has not found a way to encourage their users to stop getting all their information from articles shared by their racist uncle Walter or some dumb asshole they knew in high school.