The people pulling the strings do not (and never did) consider themselves Americans. Americans are the idiots that willingly hand over all their resources and wealth in the name of “small government and keeping dangerous minorities at bay”
The people pulling the strings do not (and never did) consider themselves Americans. Americans are the idiots that willingly hand over all their resources and wealth in the name of “small government and keeping dangerous minorities at bay”
“I made a great deal. The best deal. Korea offered to give up all their weapons and let me build a hotel if I surrender control of the entire United States to them. Huge deal, you gotta believe it”
You are absolutely correct.
So in other words, Conan: Exiles is essentially Steam: The Game?
It is a bunch of nets, and they are fishing for readers.
It is a continuing testament to Valve’s mission of “do as little as possible while making as much money as possible”.
It sounds like Paranoia without being Paranoia.
caps are for players, not NPCs
In the first edition rule book, it made a multi paragraph argument about why Charisma isn’t an appearance stat, and that someone hideous and or awful could still have a high charisma score (Hitler was given as an example of a person with an 18) It is a measure of the force of personality and ability to compel others…
What does it say about the world when I watched this video, half-afraid at first and then relieved that this young man wasn’t shot?
I didn’t even need to read the article before that exact reason popped into my head as the likely motivation.
You answered your own question, any transaction with a gay person “condones gayness”. What these bigots literally want is the right to shun gay people under any and all circumstances up to an including for medical care.
“open to all points of view” = “accepting of my personal point of view which is the only correct one”
This kind of dumb shit has been a staple of kids sitcoms for ages. If you are alright with giving yourself early dementia, go and watch Disney Channel kids afternoon live action shows from the 90's. You will see the era equivalent of this come up at least once in every single series, typically followed by them getting…
People often love themselves more than their children, and their love of their children is completely dependent on that child conforming to the parents plans.
I don’t think it takes a magic eight ball to see where this “religious liberty” bullshit is going to take us: racism, homophobia, and discrimination based on religious affiliation are all going to become protected under the guise of “its part of my religion/beliefs” in the next decade.
I suspect that some people treat games like they treat restaurants. To some of these folks, you are never going to convince them that the buffet isn’t the best choice for dinning out.
Admit it. You don’t know how bathrooms work, do you.
“God’s plan” is either the horrifying torture of his misbegotten creations or he is so impotent that his plans are constantly thwarted by any human actor that tries.
“well the real problem here is that none of the victims were armed. This couldn’t have happened if everyone had a gun”