Soild Snake

I will take “people you probably don’t want to watch Schindler’s List with for $400 Alex”

“We need to do a full investigation into voter fraud before any final decisions are made. It is prudent to investigate every possible avenue, and in the meantime it is only fair that the incumbent remains in his position until such a time that the true winner is determined.”

Now now, there won’t be any crisis as long as the fences, barbed wire, and automated machineguns keep the poors out of the one gated community where the 6 people with all the wealth are going to live.

The world would be an objectively better place if law enforcement was disbanded and remade into an institution that doesn’t operate like a crime family. hth

Who would have thought that the people that want to carry around firearms all the time, who want “stand your ground” laws to allow for the use of lethal force in any situation one feels threatened, are all secretly harboring fantasies about murdering human beings?

Latex-free medical examination gloves. They come in a huge box and are completely free when you steal them from work!

In my early earliest days of playing this, learning that this would happen when I broke the bottom was a revelation.

Firing Mueller is not going to go unnoticed. But if there is an escalating war going on, the GOP/Dems in red leaning states would fall into the old “don’t question the CIC during a war” and just table any effort to impeach or question the firing.

Saltines and peanut butter have provided valuable sustenance to impoverished medical students/residents everywhere.

Burning down his restaurant and kicking him to the the streets homeless would be excessive.

I hope when they get around to doing an anniversary edition of King Of Kong they include a mini-feature about what has happened up to this point. Mitchell was likely cheating even during the making of the original film, and it’s nice to see him get his comeuppance .

More like UFC drama. With the WWE being scripted, you know you are watching a performance. With the UFC, and this, you are watching a bunch of grown ass adults act like petulant children with boundary issues.

“Faith is meaningless if you can’t force other people to conform to yours.”

“Water is wet! Another feather in the cap of conservatism!”

With an implied “but anything you say can and will be silenced if it doesn’t agree with my views”

They like the “Citizens United” ruling that protects money as a form of free speech when it means they can shower money on candidates that they love, but much less so when opponents don’t want to give their money to people that do not support their views.

Michigan: We’re the new Florida

No lie, this could be great.

The frosted mini-wheats of politics.

19th century was Good times. You could own people, and women couldn’t vote. A GOP paradise.