Soild Snake

Please hit up some of the old classic Infocom classic games like Trinity, and Lurking Horror. They had some amazing stuff included with their titles.

It’s about feedback.

Golf is at best, a flimsy excuse to get wasted while walking around out doors and possibly wrecking little cars. How a bunch of dudes playing what is essentially a single player game became a spectator sport is a mystery for the ages.

It’s like my dad started using twitter immedietly after a massive stroke and prefrontal lobotomy

Meanwhile, a bunch of their Alumni tell them to fuck off the next time they get asked for money, but most will still give and the bullshit keeps rolling as soon as the public’s attention is somewhere else.

It is an empty life at the top when the serfs don’t love you I guess.

That story is interesting in that depending on who is asking, the Nuge claims it is all lies, or brags about out smarting everyone with it. He also maintains that if he had gone, he would have been made a general and would have won the war.

Ignorance, stupidity, pedophilia, just another day for The Nuge.

I want to say that there are lots of comnetators that do make it through countless events without busting out the Slursaurus , we just don’t hear about it because basic human decency is a standard expectation and no news at all. But I don’t know, what is the shithead to not shit head ratio these days?

Because the Onion has a higher accuracy rating.

And yet, an entire news network, with an army of writers, and coaches with years of experience spinning the news are still making complete sad asses of themselves over and over every time they open their mouths and try and attack these kids.

Lawful Evil?

The best part of the catholic sex scandals was that the fault was pretty effectively placed on the gay community instead of the monsters doing the molesting or the (arguably) bigger monsters that let the shit go on without stopping it.

I am pretty sure that “not American” means that the fetus/child doesn’t technically qualify as “human”.

I’m not at all surprised, and that is even more depressing.

“Guilty of something” is official policy.

Dude looks like he was standing a little too close to the Ark of the Covenant.

Phobias and fetishes are almost the same thing as far as your brain is concerned. There is absolutely no reason he can’t be both a phobe and a philliac.

If anything, he should be pressing charges against them for wanting him so badly.

Um, the whole world is a commie liberal wasteland full of The Gays, and they all want to escape and come to America, which is why we need a wall and stuff.