The only president he was more presidential than, was Benjamin Franklin.
The only president he was more presidential than, was Benjamin Franklin.
Smashmouth is the list.
The truth of the claim is not at all important, so why bother?
Years ago, this exact issue is a reason a friend of mine stopped playing the Sims after a few weeks of really being into it. She said sitting there micromanaging a bunch of braindead people’s cleaning, eating and sleeping while she sat in a messy apartment, hungry, and in need of a shower, gave her a moment of clarity…
I don’t want the poop gauge to hit maximum in the middle of a wyvern fight.
Two words for you: Collateral Damage
And no vax?
I will admit that I get annoyed by the ice cream truck jingle too, but I get over it and go on with my life. I know that a lot of people are fine with it, and some are happy to hear it. It is almost as if living in a society occasionally requires us to tolerate things that are not for or about us. Weird, I know.
I kind of doubt that they would do anything before the midterms. Trump might not get reelected in 2020 (unless the Dems shoot themselves in the foot*) but a lot of the GOP base will not vote for a democrat under pretty much any circumstances. I suspect that a lot of the representatives and senators will not lose…
The display should be a reminder that if there is a God, they are going to own Ham’s ass for spewing hate and violating pretty every single commandment in God’s name. That whole “don’t make false idols” alone should be good for a few lifetimes worth of damnation.
I am guessing that some sort of “random” checking of people at polling locations will be started. The “random” part is going to be about as random as the searches people are subjected to at airports and border crossings, and will likely only occur in areas that are close races.
I would be OK with this law if it resulted in Trump’s shit being taken in forfeiture.
Well of course the solution to all this is to not be a criminal. And don’t look like a criminal either, or live near a criminal, or disrespect a cop, or own anything cool that a cop might want to take, or live in the US.
I am cautiously optimistic, but I want to see a corpse before I am ready to call this abomination dead.
I have “serious concerns” that these holdouts may just be trying to game the situation to their own advantage and will flip over as soon as they get some token gesture offered to them.
“There’s always the people who will “never watch the show again””
What is the over/under of time before someone puts the blame on BLM for this?
Like some kind of Schrodinger’s fascist cat.