The report functioning more or less like a smoke alarm buzzing in a house that has already burnt down.
The report functioning more or less like a smoke alarm buzzing in a house that has already burnt down.
How cute that you use an avatar depicting an anti-establishment icon from an anime, as you sit here getting aroused by the idea that government should condone and even enforce the oppression of peoples that do not subscribe to a specific religion.
I have a strong belief that Jeff Sessions should be confined to a small box situated on a distant and deserted isle. The box needs to be adorned with some sort of special graphical warning like they put on nuclear waste disposal sites imploring any future generations that find the box to never open it.
But, but, but.... those police have a job that is really dangerous, like only loggers, fisherman, aircraft pilots and flight engineers, roofers, refuse collectors, miners, drivers, farmers, ranchers, powerline workers, construction workers, repair and maintenance workers, steel workers and grounds maintenance workers…
“Stabbing you in the gut with a smile, that is our guarantee”
I started enjoying this game a lot more when I decided to just ignore the optional pick ups on the first trip through the game. It reduces the frustration 10 fold. Go back once you get better.
I can say, with 100% confidence, that Trump is doing pretty much exactly what he would be doing even without constant criticsm. He isn’t looking for scapegoats, he genuinely believes that he is the greatest human being that ever walked the Earth, and everyone else is pretty much vermin.
Make the wall out of poor people!
They should just drop all the pretenses and just sic homeland security on them for “un-American” activities. They must see by now that as long as there is a free press, someone is going to keep digging up all their shit. It is what the press is supposed to do.
Another day, another bunch of Trump appointees that need to be fired
“If you were diagnosed with cancer tomorrow, would you want to leave your treatment up to a televised debate between medical researchers and snake oil salesmen”
I would argue that Chaotic Neutral is that worst alignment.
Yes, a bunch of stuff seems to have. I am usually in the habit of verifying the dates but I didn’t this time. Forget I was here.
ha ha. I didn’t even notice the date, it just ended up in my feed. Weird, carry one.
What is your hot take on Black gamers? I know you have one.
To be fair, most games today are also crap, and 90% of them have bugs ranging somewhere between “entertaining” and “game breaking”.
“Snortable chocolate shouldn’t be a thing”
I guess you could say that this his just desserts*
I know some dipshit contrarian wannabe fascists will be falling over themselves to point out how liberals, snowflakes, or whatevers are hypocrites for saying “violence was ok in this case, but dragging a defiant passenger off a plane owned by an airline is wrong.” But this really wasn’t even sort of the same thing.
The truth.