Soild Snake

In other words, detailed analysis has shown, that a guy that has been caught cheating scores before, probably cheated/made up this one as well. A record is a record though (as long as the people keeping it are willing to keep it anyway), and the story is still an interesting one all the same.

The Pro is a top-notch controller. I would say it is worth a splurge to get.

I think you meant force them out of the workforce, and into prison.

“Also, the mobile market is massive in Japan. Most people are more likely to spend time gaming during their daily commute than at home”

15 years later and there are still new “X-Box so big” jokes. It is the console that keeps on giving.

Basically what you said.

The media is already being run like this. Don’t like the facts? Declare them fake and make up your own version. The voice you want to hear is always the right true one.

M. Night Shyamalan presents: The President

Seriously. Nobody with a big dick talks about it that much without showing it off. My money is on about 3 inches, and he probably hasn’t had an erection without significant mechanical or chemical assistance in decades. Some one should tweet to him about exactly this, I have been blocked already.

Paired with a better writer, or at least some better editorial guidance....

Lucky for the police, their brains have special logical paradox-absorbing crumple zones that will prevent their brains from exploding.

They didn’t have enough votes to get their man in the White House right up to the point that they got him in there.

In my town, we live by the sea, and will one day return to it. Who are these ivy tower elites that would tell my children to turn their back on their heritage just because some so called “enlightened” individuals frown upon mating with the divine fish creatures that live outside of our town? And what of the bigots who

Except some of them were, because I was there, and I was. I’m not saying it was a bad game (it was really good!) but even my child self looked at a player sprite that took up half the screen and said “I wish I could see more than 5 feet in front of Samus”

“because Seattle is so welcoming and progressive!”

Metroid 2 was one of those games that I loved despite the fact that it was badly hobbled by the gameboy hardware. The viewing distance alone was awful. I always loved the game, but desperately wanted it on better hardware.

What he meant was, that someone is looking for literal witches within his administration, and that is absurd and unnecessary because he sprayed for witches last fall.

Bullshit to english translation:

There is a major difference between “bowing to pressure” and taking creative criticism. In this case, the developers took a criticism and instead of storming twitter with a bunch of butt-hurt “you are all the real misogynists”. It led them to a little bit of self reflection, and the game is much better for it. I think

It is going to live or die based on how much depth the game possesses over the length of the campaign. As long as new abilities and weapons open the game up to new tactics I can see this being a great addition to the Switch’s library. If it settles into an overly simplified “numbers go up” loot deluge, it will