Soild Snake

700 is a best guess by an analyst, which doesn’t necessarily mean that it will be that much. But again, this thing seemed aimed at a demographic that might not exist in numbers great enough to make the endeavor worthwhile.

To be fair, against the likes of Zelda, Nier, and Persona 5, Andromeda didn’t have much of a chance with me. Even if had been exemplary, it came out at a time that there are much better options available.

That’s ok, because mine works just fine but I have no motivation to play it.

Maybe, but $350 or whatever it will cost is quite a lot of money for one specific scenario, and I don’t think there are enough people in that demographic to capitalize on.

The other question: If they are still planning on bringing all their 1st party exclusives to the PC platform, how many people will actually need this upgrade?

I often buy the smaller, because it bothers me when I eventually end up tossing leftovers I don’t eat in the trash. I know the math, I just hate throwing food away for no good reason so I will take the loss to assuage my guilt.

You cannot copyright or patent game mechanics, so the answer to this is “no”.

I loved SSE too. Smash brothers is an absurd game in the first place, and I’m not sure why people get bent out of shape over the story being absurd/dumb/amazing.

No, no, because see the best way to run a billion dollar business is to crowd source all meaningful decisions.

I main the random select and enjoy the game just fine even if I lose. I smile when I get Kirby though.

I too have a hard time understanding history and context.

I thought Nioh was a pretty big let down personally, but yeah, this has been a really good year.

A friend of mine owned the game, but I was borrowing it when this joke appeared. I remember him calling me on the phone, all excited about this trick, and I remember spending over an hour trying to get it to work as he read it to me and I struggled to figure out what I was doing wrong. He also expressed confusion

“in disbelief that one of their own would start spamming the channel at a time like this.”

Nobody believes me either.

A million monkeys will definately get you a couple of good jokes, but it is also going to get you a lot of poop stained Transformer sequel scripts too. 

Hey Bro, like my sword? Yeah it seals away the evil, no big deal. Hey, wanna grab a Lizal shield later and meet me on the slopes?

“I’ve been able to enjoy Skyrim for months at a time”

I didn’t think the mission was hard. But again, being told by the quest giver to not let the escort know I was there says to me “don’t be seen period” I never got close enough to him for the bubble to come up and see the mark, and I don’t really ever look at the quest log summary unless I am coming back to some

Nope. obviously not. To me, it didn’t fit the narrative for me to pop out of the bushes as soon as he declared he was done. I mean, if this was actually happening in the real world, most anyone would be able to figure out that you were trailing/helping them through the task if you appear 10 seconds after they finish.