Criticism for Pewdiepie is like a turd in the ocean. Yeah it’s a turd, but the ocean is so big, it’s not like the whole thing is going to be blighted because a few people took a shit in it.
Criticism for Pewdiepie is like a turd in the ocean. Yeah it’s a turd, but the ocean is so big, it’s not like the whole thing is going to be blighted because a few people took a shit in it.
You have any foil left or did you use all of it for that hat? It is a nice hat though. I don’t want you to think I am disrespecting your craftsmanship or anything.
You are assuming that this data will only be used by advertisers. What is to stop a potential or even current employer from obtaining this information?
Pretty sure that saves behave as intended. They are set up to discourage scumming.
I borked it the first time because after the little guy got to the shrine, I just sneaked past him and entered the shrine. I was so stealthy, the quest giver didn’t even know I finished the quest and so I had to do it again.
I’m not sure why adding quality of life improvements to a 3rd person overhead action game is “immersion breaking”. Diablo 3 has always seemed to be to be about as immersive as old school Gauntlet. None of the Diablos ever really felt like more than the unholy offspring of a shooter and a spread sheet.
It is essentially a race. It doesn’t have to be about racing other people, because what it really is for most people, is a chance to start fresh, without sweating a new build or worrying about what items they have and don’t. You start with a blank slate and can just run with it. It is liberating for people that have…
Yes! Now it will definately be out in time for Nintedo’s next console!
The cult classic “Star Wars”
You should keep a couple buckets next to the couch.
“They clearly didn’t make the Switch screen out of a plastic stronger than steel.”
I had the glass ordered before the switch was even released.
Evidence for what? You seem to be implying some pretty significant assertions sans evidence yourself. What is your position and where is your evidence?
“I am sorry that you people are all too dumb to see that I am right”
I like to dream of a bright day in the future. A day on which gamers will stop pretending they know anything about actual game design, and be able to just dislike a game without feeling the need to ramble on about how terrible it was made and how everyone that worked on it is dumb and should die in a fire and hey look…
Two problems with these:
I switched the left and right buttons, so that my middle finger does the primary clicking. It takes no time to get used to, and it resulted in a lot less inflammation in the tendons.
The most important function of social media, is as a platform for informing other people that you know more than they do.
Nimblebit is a bad developer that makes bad, predatory games. If the world stopped giving them money, it would be a net positive effect on the world.
No because see small children are just like grown ups and safe spaces and liberals and I am going to go cry in the corner because I can’t understand context or human interaction.