Soild Snake

It was an insult, which is a hostile act, and not an appropriate way to deal with someone taking her pencil in a school environment. Much like hovering a hand over someone’s face while telling them “I’m not touching you” is just as bad as actually grabbing them.

They have all the skills they need to become president. 

Yeah this. The stick is great for getting the shot in the ballpark, but with a little tipping, you can line up precise shots with ease.

I think it is always the second tweet that sinks everybody.

This coffee machine makes damn good coffee, but cannot run Netflix.

Bottles are refillable, and I am pretty sure you can catch lighting as many times as you want, so long as you don’t try to do so in the same location more than once.

I’m replying to two different things.

There are thousands of peer reviewed publications in sociology and psychology about this exact thing. The short answer is “human nature”

People that write reviews are not a representative sample of people that play the game, they are primarily “people that are mad” and “people that like to get validation through upvotes”.

A good game is never made superfluous by a remake/sequel. The original has its own sort of charm and will probably remain a favorite for the people that grew up with it. This is a really good remake though, and comparing the two, I would say that the modern version is a lot more accessible.

I found one because I shot at a gate that had arrows already stuck in it. It was a great subtle clue that could easily be overlooked but was perfectly intuitive.

I don’t know, but it sounds like Riot is looking at this like most team sports, as in positions have boundaries and rules that they must adhere to. There are no written rules declaring that one role is forbidden from doing this or that, but maybe this is what they want it to be.

Stop teasing me

The US has a major boner for creating exciting new fields of medical care using professionals with as little training as possible (who are of course paid significantly less by insurance companies)

Standard of care is to obtain consent in every case that it is possible to do so. Any place (hospital, physician’s office et cetera) that isn’t obtaining consent is committing a crime and can be prosecuted.

The art was not “everybody is a gap-toothed mutant waving their arms around” either.

Wow. It only took you two weeks to come up with that zinger?

I suspect that the high turn over of managers was in there by design.

“Mythos Tales”

This game can easily, and enjoyably, be played solo.