Soild Snake

Yeah, but no. This is like saying if a few key people stopped using Twitter, the whole thing would die. Creators are filling a role in the eco-system, and voids will be filled.

Many years ago Prince Darkness “GANNON” stole one of the ACCOUNT with User ID. Princess ZELDA had one of the ACCOUNT with Nintendo Network ID. She divided it into 8 ‘UNITS’ to hide it from ‘GANNON’ before she was captured.

And they say the DCU movies are bad.

I am picturing a Dr Girlfriend take on the Little Mermaid now.

Funny* how the same people who complain about the existence of “trigger warnings” and “safe spaces” are the ones that are the least able to deal with threats to their own comfort zones.

Free Parking jackpots are garbage. I will not argue against that fact.

No, not even then. I was one of those strange kids that actually liked reading instructions for games so I have always been playing it correctly. I find it weird that supposedly nobody knows that rule, but I have never once come across a live person that doesn’t.

I always thought the thimble was a very bad waste basket that tipped over a lot.

Another depressing example of evil going unpunished.

“I’m not one to normally defend Felix,”

Even if pregnancy was the most pleasant, blissful experience possible, it still wouldn’t be ok to force people to bear one.

“I wonder if the “it must teach life” is an allusion to all those unborns they’re so concerned about.”

The thing you are missing, is that they do believe that people should be treated fairly, kindly, and all that. Where the trouble lies, is in the definition of what “people” are. If you only consider a narrow idealized slice of society to be worth saving, and consider all the rest so far lost to sin and impurity that

I never got herpes either. 


The character has always been flawed.  This appears to be piling on a different set of flaws in order to make the story easier to follow, but at the same time it is wiping away what made the character interesting in the first place. Jason Bourne Syndrome indeed. 

As far as we know, the models are decent human beings that do not spend their days spewing racist stupidity on social media and then crying about it when someone calls them out on it. So yeah, they are in all liklihood cool people.

See also: the Bible

I wish bad posts resulted in cash money penalties, but I guess there are some things we can’t agree on.

It’s fine. If you don’t have any customer service reps you can’t hear people complain!