They can do whatever they want, but being stupid is going to make them the not biggest distribution platform.
They can do whatever they want, but being stupid is going to make them the not biggest distribution platform.
“By not letting people sell their games, they are helping people to sell their games!”
A better way to put it: Magic in Souls games is boring and bad because there are at best, a couple of good spells, and a bunch of samey boring projectiles, virtually none of which were worth a damn in even semi-competitive PVP battles.
This sort of hits at the core of what is wrong with loot rolls, and the whole “Thing of Something” gear system that virtually every loot based game has been employing for the last 10+ years. I wish more games would go with qualitatively distinct loot, instead of just relying on a couple of base items that come with…
My uncle works at Nintendo and he phased through a wall once.
It is an upgrade, but yeah, the cost is tripling Fallout 4's HD share, and that seems a little too steep for what the game is.
It is almost as if people keep getting misled by charts because they don’t actually understand how statistics and probability work? Hmmm....
I’m not sure I feel let down by the WiiU outside of the fact that it died, and it could have had more. Some of the best games I played this last generation, and by “best” I mean the ones that pulled the most time out of me and I still actually remember, were on the WiiU. More would have been nice, but I ended up with…
The N64, Goldeneye in particular left me in a state that I played all of the early two-stick 3d games of the PS2/cube/XBoxOG in the south-paw configuration. (one of Goldeneye’s control configurations had aiming on the analog stick in the middle prong/left hand and moving on the right prong’s c-buttons) I played that…
I hope you never find yourself isolated from your family, and facing possible deportation, as well as an unknown future due to a tumultuous political climate. I hope that it takes less for you to gain some understanding of the human condition.
Yeah, It’s pretty good. I like it’s more popular spin-off better, but it has very definite charm of its own.
Or maybe make their own support system work! Or maybe install some customer service features!
My most Ahh Fuck! moment was when I opened a previously locked door. I knew I was going to get ambushed by something hiding on the right side of the landing, so I advanced to the door facing right, with the shotgun raised ready to fire. I passed the edge of the corner, and saw the landing was empty. I advanced a…
Maybe stop clicking on articles that you don’t want to read? “Be the change” and all that?
I don’t envy completeionist players at all. I am perfectly happy slopping my way through an open world and ignoring all the little shiny trinkets that taunt me to collect them. On the downside it means 1000 hour open world games are over for me in a tiny fraction of the time that most people take, but on the plus side…
I don’t know, but I don’t really like being punished for messing up in a game which relies on stats and not skill to progress. I love DQ too, but these are not games that can really be played well. You get into an encounter, and if you are stronger then the monsters you win, if you are significantly weaker you lose,…
Nope, he looks like a chew toy from the get go. The Witcher games are set after the unjuries and traumas of an entire series of books and short stories. Geralt has a lot of miles on him.
Hale is a good actor, but when her performance is up against a very bland an unremarkable one, she really shines.
I think I am going to start a consulting service. Companies can bring me ideas for products or promotions they are having and ask if they are really stupid or not. Clearly there is a need for this service. Please can I have my start-up money now?
About 20 minutes after the invention of language.