People may chuckle, but a collapsed Colon is no laughing matter.
People may chuckle, but a collapsed Colon is no laughing matter.
On the bright side, the little girl was already good at riding without hands.
We booed Santa Claus harder
So let me see if I’ve got this straight. You’re slagging on a franchise for giving up a disputed 0.6 WAR for an almost assured five-plus WAR down the road?
Either way, you’d think management would just be thrilled that their dicks are big enough that they can trip over them.
Even in hindsight, you make the move the Cubs did 10 times out of 10.
I was going to say- to me, this seems like a pretty good argument for what they did? I mean, if you’d gone to management right up front and said you can trade an entire year of his career for home instead of away at the WC game, they would have tripped over their own dicks rushing to take the extra year.
The Cubs went 5-3 in those 8 games, a winning percentage higher than they achieved over the length of the season. They may have won another game or two with Bryant. They may not have. The argument that they may have cost themselves home field in this WC game is purely hypothetical. And, in any case, the Cubs were only…
You can’t spell “Cubs’ third basemen of the future” without ‘semen’
“You don’t get to touch my boss.” This man is getting a raise. A $0.35/hr raise.
Of course the student stood by his demands. How else is he to absorb the elements of his Kraft?
Me personally, I am going to find some floodwater and drive through it. If I make it I’ll know I am invincible, and then I will die a horrific death trapped inside a vehicle flooded with nasty shitwater.
RULE 1: 1 gallon of (potable) water per person, per day
I’d say a few reasons.