Soggy Burrito

“Typically however the elite players’ trajectories take them to Europe for their primes, like any other non-Euro league in the world, after which they settle into MLS once they age out.”

They go on to professions that require a 4 year degree?

I go to NCAA men and women’s soccer. It’s a better product and at least more honest. Would the best MLS soccer player make a premier league team?

(this is the worst take)

The problem with MLS is that the players are not any good. If they were, they’d be playing in the D league equivalent in Europe. I doubt a MLS team could beat the Kenyan national team.

Cops in ‘mericuh just shot a woman in her pajamas.

I guess that answers the question about her being either the 699th best or 701st best tennis player in the world.

So is she better than her sister? 699 or are we talking 701? Asking for a friend.

He clearly does not have a leg to stand on.

Well, I hope you spoke out equally when people were talking about putting Hillary Clinton against a wall. Or showing images of Obama in a noose.

College rules say make an attempt to get out of the way. It’s a point of focus every year for the past 5-6 years.

Because of the “good time” statute, you can actually serve less time on a sentence of a year and a day. You can only earn “good time” or a reduction of approximately 47 days when your original sentence is longer than a year. So a year is 365 days, but a year and a day can be 319.

They were chanting DREW!

Marky Mark has already blinded one dude...

Did it help his business any?

Well, you could blow, but you are risking some serious urethra damage.

I think it was implied he rolled them back.

There is no men’s division. There is a division for the females to opt into, or in the case of our hero in this story. Not.

One of the perks of being Mayor of Tyler is that you get to live in a 1br apartment above the jail. So yeah, come stay in the guest room I guess.

You punted 9 times. Wilson needs to get that he won that game by not losing it like the Miami turdburger. Maybe a couple more first downs next time.