
From Slate: “Mateen’s ex-wife...says Mateen repeatedly beat her while they were married. ‘He would just come home and start beating me up because the laundry wasn’t finished or something like that.’She added that Mateen was a private person who was not very religious, worked out often at a nearby gym, and worked as a

You’re right. I should have read the initial study descriptions before I read the analysis and results (“Sexual abuse and homosexuality” is a pretty gross title). We’re both just random people on the internet so this is kinda weird to just admit, but I was a dude molested by a grown woman as a kid. In light of that

The study you linked to actually doesn’t make as clear-cut a statement as you say. In fact, the report clarified that the studies that show a preponderance of male predators and female victims are those conducted by interviewing administrators and citing news stories - the cases that receive the most media attention.

I liked the Happy Endings reference in that episode: “I hope he’s not hanging out with a bunch of other white people.” I miss Happy Endings :(

The model lighting makes it a little confusing, but I think that the picture is of long-jumper Khaddi Sagnia - The Hottest Athlete Alive

I know the writers don’t have as much control over the editorial direction of the blog, but The Slot has been the best part of Jezebel for the past 6 months - please don’t turn it into another celebrity gossip site. I know that this is an interesting story featuring difficult and attention-grabbing personalities, but

That’s an odd way of phrasing it...

Well, he hasn’t died yet in the books. The show is actually progressing past the books plot-wise - the last thing we know about Ramsay is that he defeated Stannis in battle and is coming for Jon (readers don’t actually see this happen, we just see the threatening letter Jon gets from The Bastard).

Yeah, it sounds a lot like PCP to me. Lots of drugs induce paranoia, but paranoia that leads to extreme violence is classic shermhead behavior, at least from my time working EMS in D.C.

I can’t be 100% certain, but I’ve been an EMT for a while and it sounds like they either got something laced with PCP - from the paranoia and violence- or he is outright lying. Given the circumstances I’m leaning more towards PCP.

Ha, I love that adherents of The Secret or seedier mainstream religious movements like the Gospel of Prosperity seem to think they’ve found a sort of loophole, as though God or the Universe or whatever has to let them positive-energy their way into whatever bullshit they want, cause thems the rules. I wonder if it’s a

From Wikipedia (via The Jewish Tribune) : the Center for Research on Globalization is “rife with anti-Jewish conspiracy theory and Holocaust denial.” When did the overlap between right-wing historical revisionism and kooky conspiracies begin? Is there a similar trend among far-left academics and publishers?

Three Jews on a Cruz!

no I am Spartacus

But the study wasn’t asking “why” as in “what’s the purpose,” it’s asking “what is the origin of this trait; did these groups of mammals adapt this trait because it’s beneficial to the species, or is it a holdover from previous evolutionary history?”

I think what these guys are referring to is the fact that the Jez and Telegraph article got their science wrong - the Telegraph misrepresented the studies intention, which is to explore the evolutionary origin of post-menopausal lifespans across a whole group of mammals, and said they were questioning whether or not

Ha, thanks for your response; I actually got mixed up commenting and didn’t mean to comment twice- I don’t want to sound like I was hounding you for having an opinion! These topics are tricky, and while some people are getting testy, I think overall the back and forths have been considerate.

It IS valid though, because the actual study is not guilty of the crimes described by Jezebel. The study is not even about humans let alone human society: it’s trying to answer the question as to why do some mammals have long lifespans beyond when they can reproduce? This is unusual among mammals and trying to find an

The study was not actually framed in that way at all: it was about a series of mammals who all share the trait of long potential life spans post-menopause. Since this is unusual, these scientists tried to model whether or not the availability of what they call the “post-reproductive lifespan” in these species was

If the study in question was actually questioning the use of post-menopausal women in society, all this outrage would be valid. Unfortunately, both Jezebel and the Telegraph have chosen to completely misrepresent the actual study.