
I wouldn’t mind getting the form 3 and 4 from the hubby for mother’s day(*Hint, hint*). If MaMa ain’t happy; ain’t nobody ganna’ be happy!

Ummm… The Bible clearly states that all that happens in the marriage bed is blessed by God. Who is your preacher, minister, priest, rabbi or teacher? You really need to either read the good book for yourself or explore other religions.

What, are you new here? Giz has been doing stories on sex gadgets since the beginning.

I agree, however it bothers me when a father will not allow his son to have a baby doll, when all he really wants to do is practice being a daddy himself. It took months of reasoning with my brother who had a new baby girl, that denying his son the right to have a baby doll was confusing him. Daddy holds the baby;

No need… They deliver.

Could somebody please pass me a tissue?


Wow, are you OK. Heard there was a touch down in Irving.

I still read every day… sometimes I don’t post simply because I’m not logged in and am too lazy to do so. I do however scream my opinion at the screen.

I was just thinking it would slice through a skull rather nicely. Zombies? Oh yes, I was thinking of zombies…. Of course I was.

who's idea was that?

In Washington they use fences to keep people off the train tracks, with openings only at passenger loading areas. Fences, who knew they could save lives? Utah, what is wrong with you?

I do LOVE that I no longer have to log into all the Gawker accounts separately! It was really getting annoying to have to do that every time I deleted my browser history and cookies.

I’m not sure how I feel about this, I have converted, but if you ask me to get a number tattooed to my hand; I am soooo out of here!

I agree; best game for Kinect ever! I love Dance Central. Dance Dance Revolution is lame in comparison.

This is great! Does it come with the costume, because I can’t imagine playing this without it?

This is why we love you Rosa. You show the world that Nerds can be both female and beautiful at the same time!

If it was in violation the comment would not be removed; Gizmodo would be removed all together!

Wow! So cool

Minnesota and Nebraska have them.