
The woods can be a scary place especially if you are wearing your favorite red hoodie.

What if your Grandmother lives in that neighborhood? How will it rout you to her?

If this can tell me which neighborhoods have sidewalks and which intersections have cross walks and traffic signals designed to keep people from making a free right turn right in my path; I want this on my phone map app!

I enjoyed that quite a bit more than I expected to.

They can be made in under a minute; what he wasn’t calculating is the time it takes for the glass to be heated to a nice honey consistency and he also left out the cost of the fuel to fire up the oven. None the less I bet he could whip out several hundred in one day.

Have you been doing your job? Does she wake with a smile?

Great, a bag of death that some kid or postal worker will take to school, or work… How convenient.

When a Dr. X-rays you, he/she stands behind a protective barrier. I noticed the TSA agents stand right next to the machines. They are exposed to this all day long. I have a bad feeling there are going to be an awful lot of very sick TSA agents in a few years.

Sounds a bit like my X. Another thing about Wasps and my X; the moment they aren’t looking, you should get as far away as possible, and throwing your drink on them only makes them madder.

I have a lovely set of those too. I also have a set of Land-O-Lakes containers that I use for everything.

You’d be surprised how intelligent a second grade child can be when you raise her right.

I already love him to pieces. I want this movie and I’ll pay extra for 3D.

TSA is going to love this! *Sarcasm*

Next week we will need an update to this story: How Your Husband Reacted To Finding, ‘Cute ways to tell your husband you’re pregnant’ In Your Browser Because You Read A Gizmodo Post…

Those look good. Have you or anyone you know tried them?

It’s not so much a matter of fit so much as comfort.

I have yet to see any clip-on 3D glasses. Are they just ignoring the rather large portion of the population that wears specks? I wonder if this might be a contributing factor in why 2D versions of 3D movies are doing better in the box office. If anyone knows where to find clip-ons I would be interested in a link.

When the guys at Netflix were brainstorming names, why the heck didn’t they check Twitter, facebook, and any other relevant networking tool for available names at the same time?

I guess I’m going to have to list all my passwords in my will, so someone can take over my gaming accounts when I die. There are team members that will be sorry to see my leveled mage no longer useable if I do not pass her on to someone.

I don’t see how either, but it does. It seems to think any word that ends in S is the word Xbox. Clearly it does not have a very good voice recognition sensor.