
You’re right; it is a crime to make a false claim to 911. The author of this post either needs to research more or watch his wording. Perhaps WA is simply trying to increase the punishment of such crimes.

It already is a crime to make a false 911 call. It falls under the same lines as filing a false statement to police.

Washington State is protecting themselves by cramming all of its citizens into one town for the state fair. We will be safe amongst the cows.

There are not enough sandwiches in the universe.

My Netflix works with Kinect. The thing I hate the most is that holding a conversation during a lull is impossible. The darn thing will pause, go into fast forward or reverse, simply because it THOUGHT it heard me tell it to.

There’s an app for that…

This is the internet. Most who are reading this already are in the basement… their mother’s…

Just use your ‘Holiday Cash’ to pay off your credit card and leave it be! Don’t you dare mess with Syrims release date!

I’m not the least bit offended that some programmer had the poor judgment to name a skill that. I’ve been known to use private jokes in my program code also. I’m just surprised he was foolish enough to allow it to be seen. Sloppy…

I think the main problem here is that you have no clue what your tax $’s go to.

What happens on garbage day?

I love this video… The reason I homeschool my kids…

I have just fallen in love. Why is this not a standard feature in ALL bikes?

I must have this! Can we expect a special addition Muppet movie soon? More importantly; will Han shoot first?

So it’s like slavery?

Twitter adds = Twats. You have @das7002 to thank for this

This has been accepted as the new Twitter adds meme! Please accept your certificate and smile for the camera.

My (Blocked) list is about to get REALLY long!

What... are you 10?

Actually a lot of the negative comments are coming from the women readers here. Many of us are absolutely appalled by this post. Instead of looking down on the men here who are showing their indignation, we are standing beside them and expressing our disappointment.