
I'm pretty sure Hasbro can sue over this.

I’m with you on this one when it comes to shaving it seems a bit unnecessary. However I would defiantly try this when waxing. Hot, or even warm wax on the clitoris is not a pleasant experience; unless you’re into that sort of thing.

Can we hope that this will be like Spore and Simcity4’s love child? Build a world from its infancy and create whole civilizations. I’m positively quivering.

Me too; attachment fail.

This reminds me of the SimCity 2013, online game.

How do we contact a writer with a story idea? It used to be so easy to just send a privet message to a writer.

And now she is saying they were hacked and did not post any of that on FB…

Can I hire him as a stripper for a bachelorette party?

The ears are always the first thing to get bitten off.

There is a difference between voicing an opinion that differs and ‘outright’ trolling. Some comments are just plain garbage and really should be deleted. I’m referring to the ones that use offensive language and name-calling as a means to anger others, where no real point is being made at all. I’m referring to

They all have salt added to them and you can season anything with them. Just like Onion salt, Hickory salt, Bacon salt, or Garlic salt. It is a heart attack in a jar.

Hickory smoke; Dehydrated onions; Pepper and salt; Lavender

I’ll put it secretly in the spaghetti sauce next time, and if the hubby pounces me, we will have our answer.

I’ve never experienced hallucinations from smoking or ingesting cat nip. I smoke it or use it in tea because it is an aphrodisiac. Yes, it is true, it makes you horny! Placebo? Who cares…

I was just going to say the same thing. My husband and I love road trips. We prefer driving at night because the traffic is lighter, but it makes hotel stays difficult. If we just want a 3-7 hour nap or rest, you still have to pay for the whole day and you can’t check in until 6pm at some hotels. I look forward to

This nation is totally !@#$%& then. We add calcium supplements to almost everything, even milk and cheese which already have it. Idiots in the food industry want to be able to add that label; Excellent source of calcium; now with 50% more calcium.

This is what I assumed my teenagers were using the condoms I found in their room for.

Great advice! It would also be beneficial if he gave her a bit of vocal feedback as well. Bob just didn't seem that into it.

Is this Hanger 18? Looks like a cover-up.

You must have missed the Fleshbot reviews then… Slip the word ‘sex toys’ into Gizmodo’s search engine; this is tame and informative by comparison.