I'm not up on anything since St. Anger, so that's a welcome surprise to me. I've been thinking of giving them another try.
I'm not up on anything since St. Anger, so that's a welcome surprise to me. I've been thinking of giving them another try.
"My Jedi master told me to turn off my targeting computer!"
"Don't quote me, boy, I ain't said shit."
I wonder if it's only people who were bugged about their potential as kids who grow up to beat themselves up over not being more impressive prodigies.
Oh, I'd utterly pack up my bass and play with Metallica in no time flat. I can deal with moody people and I do like a lot of their stuff. It's just not really the sort of thing that stretches the muscles of a jazzman.
Huh, I didn't know that. Ironic that he'd end up playing in Metallica. For all their merits, they've had a history of cutting the bass right out of the mix.
The Presidents of the USA used to play 3-string instruments that sort of covered the territory between bass and guitar.
Honestly, I did when I was still a kid/teenager. I had a lot of trouble and spent pretty much every waking moment of the day hating myself for accomplishing nothing when there were other kids around who knew how to play instruments and how not to get into a fight every single recess and who didn't have some…
So many TV sets destroyed by Tiger Uppercuts.
Well, you're a dick!
- Dean Ween
Big Jay Oakerson came on to hate on "Kiss From A Rose". He had basically nothing to say on the topic, so he started working this whole angle about Seal coming from a background of jungle cannibals or something. It was really, really hacky, in my opinion, and the comment section was livid. Then it was suddenly gone.
There have been good ones, but I don't think people agree on which they were. I tend to think that musicians make for much better interview subjects than comedians with this feature, as they tend to talk about the song itself a little more. That said, I loved Steve Coogan's take on "Lady In Red".
I was half-convinced they'd canned this feature. Huh.
Cut Harper some slack. He didn't take six years of night classes at Smiling School for nothing.
This won't take any effort at all. It'll be the same species of response as Trump saying that not paying taxes makes him smart. Once the case is done, he can just say, if asked, that he was playing it smart and tricking them all.
Well, this century still has actual 1-cent-per-T-shirt sweatshops, so I wouldn't be too hasty with that appellation. Still, I take your point. It's the most entry-level position around here these days aside from fast food.
I can think of this one shitty call centre job I had for a few years. Despite all of the stuff they liked to say about team building and such, it really was an individual job. If everybody doing it had been in a soundproof cubicle, it really would have been something where their relationships with other employees…
This is pretty cool for that kid, but I will never understand why so many bassists sling their instruments way down at their hips like that. It's bad for your posture and it keeps your right hand in a weird position. I mean, he's playing for a well-known band and I'm not, so who cares what I think, but I don't know…
They really haven't ever come up with a good name for the concept, have they? Back in the '90s, we had "techno" or "electronica", terms that were dated five seconds before they were first uttered. Now we have "EDM", which sounds like it was grown in a lab. "Rock" and "jazz" and "funk" are all easy to say. It needs…
The proportional representation betrayal was the worst blow. That was the one where we got the line about how election promises aren't actually promises, per se.
Is there a type of monk that gets a bonus to hit after removing their pants?