
Who could properly play him, though? What beard is mighty enough? (Also, would we get to see Oscar Wilde visit him?)

I don't know as solitude is something to be managed, exactly. I'm something of a solitary person by nature, so I have lots of experience with it, but I don't know what to say to someone who doesn't like it. What I can say, though, is that it doesn't have to turn toxic. It's all about making sure that the inside of

Paparazzi have a fascinating role within culture. There's always a market for their work, but they're despised as a class. Everything about their job and the world in which they work is just so tiresome. On the one hand, they choose to act like the most goddamned annoying people in the world; on the other, enough

How else could Dusty Rhodes have become such a physical specimen?


To be fair, that should be a writer's first priority.

I will only be comfortable if Smokey Bear is watching me.

My girlfriend insists that this is the spring I get introduced to having sex outdoors. Honestly, who am I to say no here?

I have never had a single recipe turn out badly from the Joy of Cooking in a lifetime of use. It's the definition of tried, tested, and true.

Pointing out that they violate several physical laws? Describing their roots in folklore and possible basis in prejudice against the neurodiverse? Throwing a handful of rice at them and running away if necessary?

It may be that we have more choices, but I wonder if we pay more. I'll have to research. Getting broadband from one of our big telecoms is generally expensive, and so is getting even basic cable or satellite. I like that we get to break up our services to our liking, but the combination of low competition and a

Remember how people used to get all hyperbolic about reality TV destroying culture? Remember the eventual backlash to that, where TV and cultural critics (on the AVC, for example, which I recall covering some Celebrity Apprentice) started talking about its occasional value and treating it like legitimate

That's so weird to me. I guess there's some financial legerdemain going on behind the scenes where that gives them more landline subscribers on paper and that somehow leads to them having a better return, but I couldn't begin to untangle that from where I sit. Up here, you always pay more with the bundle, even

I haven't had cable or satellite for years because pretty much every other financial priority was higher. I got to watch satellite at my last job and realized that TV is just decidedly not for me anymore. I struggled to find anything (other than the music channels) that was better than silence during the day.

Weird. I used to work for Rogers. They constantly pushed package deals, so there was no way they would have "thrown in" service (unless Comcast is basically just offering the package deal as their bare-bones offering, which doesn't seem like it should be allowed).

I've been hearing about this and it's vaguely bewildering to me. Is this common in the US? I'm in Ontario and getting cable internet here most definitely does not include basic cable unless you pay for that too. Is this how US companies are fighting cord-cutting?

I've got one sitting around my house with a couple of scattered overlays. I don't know if it works yet. If it does, I'm not sure if I want to sell it (and never see a Vectrex in person again) or keep it and try to find games (and therefore end up spending money that I don't currently have). Decisions.

Be careful with those high fives. We all know where those can lead.

I got about halfway through That Hideous Strength and then got distracted by life. I'll return to it someday. If you didn't like the author tract aspects of the previous books, though, then gird your loins and prepare for some editorializing.

Ha, no. Whatever it was definitely didn't have production values to match even the cheapest Disney movie.