
We should have listened when they told us they were down (the direction of hell)!

Over the years, I've become a quiet proponent of gender-neutral pronouns while recognizing that it's probably never going to happen. I've used them in coursework at university (I was writing an exam and didn't want to slow down to come up with an elegant way to restructure the sentence without a gendered pronoun that

I've been mulling this over. I agree with all of your points, more or less, while still thinking that the writers should write what they want. It may be slowly making this site less of a priority in my daily surfing, but it's better to lose a few readers doing what matters to you than trying to satisfy them all and

I'll always give Ringo the credit he's due. It's easy to forget, in a world that's known effectively unlimited multitracking for a long time now, that the Beatles recorded on four track machines. Getting all of the extra instruments and other sonic effects in there required them to lay down full-band backing tracks

It's that thing some Texans do where their voices just turn into pure accent when they mumble. Alex Jones does it and it cracks me up every single time. That's some fine broadcasting there, Alex.

The Habs have the most erotic jersey colours by far. All that red gets you in the mood to make like Maurice Richard and fire up the rocket, if you know what I mean.

I've only ever used OKCupid, but it led to meeting my wonderful girlfriend. I would recommend that. It's very far from perfect, but it helps you get some big things out of the way before even messaging.

I work with an autistic teenager who attends a special-needs program. I think they almost always have one-to-one support there. It's absurd to me that they left you alone without any EAs. How exactly did they expect that to go?

I do wonder sometimes if some Americans think that we don't have the internet up here or something. We can see it when people start making shit up about our healthcare system, for example.

The second mosque ever in Canada is literally a couple of blocks away. I'll keep my eyes peeled for opportunities.

Trump got in with even less than that in the American system, so who knows which is better. I like our system because it allows for minority governments. A party led by a Trump analogue would have to capture quite a few seats before being able to do whatever they wanted.

I suppose I'm worried that Kevin O'Leary and Kellie Leitch will get passes from people who would otherwise oppose them by keeping their agendas quiet when it's opportune and that this will happen because too many of us weren't paying attention when they said it. I also worry that we'll get vicariously burnt out from

It's a strange country. We have a smallish population spread out over an enormous area. I haven't been to Quebec since I was a young kid and it's only one province over, but there are so few of us that a violent tragedy like this will be remembered for years to come.

Fortunately for me, I don't really have friends who are doing that. I'm fairly picky about my inner circle. That does mean, though, that I have to be ready to do it when it comes up.

I've seen a link for a fund already, so I'm going to see what I can do for a donation. Volunteering will be good if I can fit it in with work.

Schools with special needs students sometimes have protective clothing available. It's good for blocking a pinch or a bite. Not sure how it'd handle a punch.

For me, living at home was about taking responsibility on, not sloughing it off. We had a house to support and work to do. It's not ideal, but it's reality. For some families, it doesn't make sense for rent money to go somewhere else when it could be going back into the family. I don't know as I'm endorsing this

A shower's not so much a rimming option as a rimming requirement.

Warning upfront: this will be about a depressing topic. Not sexy depressing, either.

I don't know. He's starting to seem like some astounding combination of Harding and Johnson, who would both definitely be in my bottom five.