
I'm not really wild about this direction for the site, but it looks like this is going to continue indefinitely. I can't really expect the writers not to write about what's on their minds; after all, that's a big part of what got me coming back to this site on a regular basis for so many years. Besides, it's hardly

Nazis are more camp than kitsch.

A Face In The Crowd is definitely in there, but that one's obvious.

I think they just understand their universe better than their enemies do. Only the A-Team has the sense to attack non-lethally instead of forever trying and failing to kill. Their guns are just tactical distractions so that they can get close enough to wrestle.

Regarding assassination attempts, I've always wondered if there are tons that get thwarted early on enough that they don't make the news. I could see an incentive for the White House to downplay that sort of thing in order to reduce unrest.

The A-Team may as well have been a cartoon, and I think they only ever had one successful shooting.

Did you solicit for your sister, too? That's not nice (unless you get a fair percentage of her price).

I fear the FFI dystopia, where a man named Garland knocks us all down.

I've been missing out on all of this because I've been working and juggling other concerns. What the hell is happening out there? They didn't even wait a day to start spinning this? The bodies don't even have time to grow cold before some jackass in a different country uses them for a stepladder?

I just read that, yeah. The cognitive dissonance involved in that guy's statement could power a small city.

Canadians killed in a mosque this week by a white terrorist: 6.

Back when I still followed Last Plane to Jakarta, Danielle gave the impression that he was firmly against Star Wars. I wonder if that was right and what changed his mind, if so.

Jesus may have been onto something with that speck-in-another's-eye metaphor.

Good point. There are bound to be several points of overlap.

"We have our own system of checks and balances in St. Olaf."

I'm trying not to make assumptions. Anyway, I'd agree that it sounds like an overreach from the description. It's a bit frustrating that this useful concept is being treated like a cultural battleground, but that's life these days.

I genuinely wonder what the actual demographic makeup of the commentariat is at the AVC. From what I've noticed, the formal education aspect may well be true, but a really large portion of the regulars are well past their college years and may thus not necessarily reflect the current reality of campus culture. I

I get the sense that we're talking at cross purposes. You had been talking about how you didn't understand why it was a moral question instead of an aesthetic question. These posts have been my description of why it's a moral question for some people. Other people not seeing it as a moral question doesn't stop the

I can see where you're coming from, but I think it's helpful to stay clear on what's happening where. The AV Club comment section has a specific culture and history and a number of demographic trends. It's separate from college campuses, which have their own cultures and histories etc. What's happening in one place

Dahhhh, geez, Edith!