
Basically, I'm saying that people talking about the male gaze in moral terms is the result of a process, like so:

Regarding the question of attraction changing with age, my experience with knowing older guys would suggest that physical attraction stretches, if that makes sense. Rather than staying in a band around your age, the younger edge stays the same after a certain point and the upper limit travels with you. That's how it

I think the main reason why the male gaze as a concept hasn't been limited to aesthetic discussion is that it can be strongly argued to have escaped into real life, in a sense. To put it another way, you could see the male gaze in fictional contexts as being a reflection of the creators and consumers of that fiction.

That countervoice? You get to keep that. You earned it and now you get to use it against the other voice from now on. I remember when I finally got mine and life took an upward trajectory. Jobs and houses are ephemeral. Starting to change your mental habits constitutes real success. Well done, man.

Press A: punch Nazis
Press B: kick wankers
Press A+B: dragon kick? Who gets one of those in the face?

I've been thinking about this sort of complaint a lot recently. I've been back in university part-time after years away, so I have two points of reference now: the early-to-mid oughts and the early-to-mid teens. I'm at a university college in UWO, which is a sizable-enough university in SW Ontario. I have seen

In Ontario (and probably the rest of Canada), minimum wage is significantly higher than it is in most of the US. Server minimum is lower than that, but not by the same margins. Therefore, our "standard" tip appears to be 15%. I have been told that Canadians often forget to adjust their standard in the US and we

Did the Canadian tag team ever make it down there? You know, Jacques and Jacques of Frere Jacques?

I met someone once with an abduction story. He was autistic and taking medication for schizophrenia, so I was more interested in this story itself than in checking for plausibility. It was the most pleasant abduction story I've ever heard. The aliens brought him up, made him his favourite meal, and put his

Thomas Ligotti and his occasional writing partner wrote an unproduced episode of the X-Files called "Crampton". It's sort of like that in that it would have been one for the ages, but could really only have been done once. It's floating around and easily Googlable if you're interested.

Thanks. I've still got a week and a half left in my current job and prospects aren't bad for the next, so here's hoping.

People who win US Presidential elections are, by definition, people who win the electoral college. There isn't much incentive to change the thing that got you the office. This is part of why useful change is so hard.

I think the charge of fascism is more accurately levelled at certain groups among his supporters. White supremacists, white nationalists, the alt-right, and possibly some of the smaller fringe groups have members who have declared themselves as fascist. As well, I would argue that the means and motives of the

I'm such a bumpkin that I read that and thought "nice, got the teaching job!" My city may have a slight unemployment problem.

I realize now that my comment could read sarcastically. I genuinely believe that Ben Mulroney was wise to pursue a media career instead of trying to trade on his name in the political realm. He found his own path in the world. I don't think that Trudeau's pre-political career is anything to be denigrated, as it

Gad also has pretty much the best alibi possible. It's pretty unlikely he would even have had the chance to find out about this happening. His hands are clean.

We're lucky that Brian Mulroney was so widely disliked by the end and that Ben wisely went into a TV career.

I saw a Tumblr about that! It was awesome. They always get curious about the camera and jam their faces into the full field of view.

I don't think so. Children are the actual intended audience of My Little Pony, while bronies seem to have being older than that as part of their crucial defining feature. A boy who likes My Little Pony is just, you know, a child.

It's probably the richest vegetarian tradition in the world. Most others require varying degrees of adaptation, but I can go to an Indian restaurant and actually be spoiled for choice.