
I worked at Rogers when sliders had their heyday. They were cool, but people were often hard on the sliding mechanism.

Mine's doing fine, though the browser is really not handling current web design trends well.

Oh, the Big Rock Candy Mountain
Is always set to blow
And you can cum and cum again
Now that you've got no dough

Nathan Lane?

So I says to the guy, "take my life, please (because it turns me on)!"

I actually sort of miss my previous downstairs neighbour and her comically-loud sex. Once we got to know each other, the topic eventually came up and her facial expression was hilarious. It was just a strange situation to know what she sounded like mid-orgasm before actually knowing anything about her as a person.

Mentat Norquist stands quietly in the Harkonnen entourage, muttering "it is by vape alone I set my thoughts in motion…"

Depending on your area, local culture, etc. and the type of clothing that you want, you could do what I've done and shop at a thrift store. Nobody bugs you in the hope of getting commission, so you can pretty much keep your own counsel and bring what you like to the dressing room. It's good for jeans,

The earfucking thing is very casually mentioned in Mascots, so go blame Christopher Guest.

I don't think that I commented on your post last week, but I do think that I probably upvoted one or more of the comments that hurt you (as I upvoted most of the ones I saw at the time), so I apologize if doing so contributed to your pain. I think they all seemed much less harsh from an outsider's perspective than

Heliogabolus. Draw your own conclusions as to why.

I wonder if the friend's husband, whose libido drops in the winter, experiences SAD. This winter, I've had the odd experience of being in a good emotional state and still experiencing symptoms consistent with depression. It's been interesting to be able to isolate it somewhat; when you're feeling pretty alright with

Remember how unavoidable Who Wants To Be A Millionaire was once upon a time? That must have been a ratings hit.

I wouldn't agree that the definition is being lost simply because I haven't actually run into the definition you're using before now, though now I think it's more likely that I have and had mistaken what had been written. It seems like unclear language to me, but whatever.

Snow White was the first Disney feature, so it looms large in my impression of early Disney. It's not like they just worked their way down the Grimm list, but I do think there's a certain German Romanticism in their early aesthetic.

That would make sense. There would have been plenty of overlap between those groups.

It favours globalism and a market-driven approach to addressing social ills?

Yeah. If we're just talking about probable assumptions, I think it's likely that any anti-semitism on Disney's part was more the usual suspicion that white Americans often had for Jews at the time. It can be easy to forget just how widespread anti-semitism was at the time. Hell, it's easy to forget how widespread

Yep. He was one of those ultra-patriots that one finds in the early US film industry. Whatever sympathies he may have had for the old country and its stories, he was going to side with the US in a war against them 100% of the time.

If I recall correctly, the evidence didn't amount to much more than probable associations with known anti-semites. Before WWII, I think that he belonged to a German-American league, which is probably where those associations come from. It's been a few years, so I'm not really the one to make the argument either way.